Chapter Two

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The next morning it took me forever to get out of bed. My body was just exhausted both mentally and physically from all the crying I did last night. Plus, I had a very restless sleep as well, so I was running on next to no sleep.

However, I need to get up and get moving because I have a job to get to. I have to pay the rent somehow. So I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. Usually, I don't wear makeup but after seeing my face in the mirror I knew it would be best cause I looked terrible.

When I pulled into work and turned off my car, I turned and looked at the building and couldn't help but smile. If Seamus knew I was working at Target he'd lose his shit. I easily got the job cause my Mom was the Manager of the store. I'm glad that everyone I work with is cool though and don't use who I am, against me.

When I walked into the break room I found my childhood best friend Brittany there.

"Hey girl." I greeted.

"Hey." She said turning to me with a smile, that quickly faded. "What's wrong Breella?"

I knew she was going to be able to tell something was wrong. I mean, we grew up together so we know one other better than anyone. She was always able to notice when something was wrong, sometimes before I actually knew it myself.

"I got a call from Seamus last night." I told her, "We had a pretty long conversation and he asked me to come visit."

"That's great though!" She said, "You've been missing them all."

"It was nice to talk to Seamus but it just opened up the hover dan in my eyes." I told her, "I spent half the night watching James and Aleks and crying my eyes out."

"Awe girl." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "Maybe you should go out there and fix things."

I sighed and shook my head as I walked into our locker room and stopped in front of mine, her following behind me. "Yeah, but you know how hard it is to get time off." I told her.

"Girl, you're the head manager's daughter." She said chuckling, "You shouldn't have a problem."

"Britt, you know I already told Mom to not treat me any different." I groaned knowing full well she's going to try anything to convince me to go.

"Why would I treat you any different?" My Mom asked sticking her head in the doorway, causing us both to turn our attention towards her.

Britt ended up telling my Mom all about what happened. How Seamus wanted me to come back and how it was affecting me. How I wanted to go out and see them but was worried about getting the time off. Of course, she had to bring my Mom into this.

"Honey, don't you worry." She told me smiling, "I'll buy your ticket and don't worry about work."

"But Mom." I tried to protest.

"Don't argue Sweetie, you're going." She stated. And I instantly knew that the decision had been made for me. "Now, go home and pack."

Despite my efforts, my Mom refused to back down. Between her and Britt they literally pushed me out the door. I couldn't do anything about it. There was no arguing with my mother and if she wanted me to do something, there was nothing I could do or say to get her to change her mind. So I climbed into my car and started it and headed home to pack and call Seamus.

Once I arrived home I packed a few bags before sitting down in front of my computer to book my flight. I then realized I should probably call Seamus, so I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hey Breez." Seamus answered rather quickly.

"Hey,  so when do you want to pick me up from the airport?" I bluntly asked figuring it's best to get everything done quick and painlessly.

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