Chapter Four

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*~Aleks' POV~*

I walked into Target in the hunt for her Mom. As I walked up to the customer service desk I found Bree's child hood best friend Brittany behind the counter. She didn't notice me walk up cause she was busy with a customer so I stood back and patiently waited for them to finish their exchange.

"I can help whose ever next." Brittany said once the guys had walked away.

I quickly stepped forward nervously, "Hey Brit" I greeted her.

"Aleks." She said surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"I came looking for Breezy's Mom." I explained, "Is she here?"

"Oh uhh." She said biting her lip, "Yeah she's here."

"Can I speak with her?" I asked.

"If this is about Bree, she's not here Aleks." Brit stated, "She isn't even in the state. So I don't think you're going to accomplish much by talking to her."

I had been with Breezy long enough to get to know Brittany quite a bit and from my experience with her I could already tell she knew something she didn't want to tell me. I knew then that she definitely knew Bree's whereabouts.

"Brit, you know exactly where she is don't you?" I asked.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." She said defensively, "Either way it's none of your concern. If she wanted you to know she'd tell you herself."

"I guess I deserved that.. Look." I said pausing to sign. "I know I fucked up Brit. I didn't come here on some wild goose chase to get here back."

"Then why did you come Aleks?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I just wanted to... No, I needed to know she was okay Brit." I confessed, "It's been driving me crazy. I can't sleep or even think straight. All I can focus on is worrying about her. I just need to know she's okay, that's all"

I saw Brit's face soften after my confession. Just as she was about to open her mouth we were disturbed.

"Aleks, is that you?" I heard a sweet voice ask.

I turned around and smiled, "Hey Ma." I greeted.

The thing about Breezy's Mom is she's definitely got like the Moma Bear complex. She's always "adopting" new kids. From what Bree told me all of her friends growing up called her Mom. So, naturally when I met her Mom, she insisted I call her Mom also.

With the warmest smile plastered on her face she walked over and threw her arms around me, "I am so glad to see you." She told me.

"Glad to see you too, Ma." I agreed as we pulled away.

Once apart I watched her smile fall slightly and she left out a bit of a sigh, "I'm sorry Aleks, but Bree isn't in town." She told me.

"I didn't come expecting to find her to be honest with you." I confessed, "Like I just told Brit here, I just needed to know she was okay."

I could see the sadness in Ma's face. I could tell she was struggling with not being truthful with me. I figured Bree had made her promise not to tell me where she was, and it with obvious she really wanted to tell me.

"Brit, I'm taking my break now." Ma said turning to her.

"Sure thing Ma, take your time." Brit said, "I got things covered."

Ma smiled and nodded before turning her attention back to me, "Care to join me outside?" She asked

"Of course." I replied with a smile.

We sat down at the employee picnic tables at the side of the building.

"First off Aleks, I want to apologize for ignoring you for so long." She said, "I just wasn't sure what I could possibly say to you."

"Yeah I kind of figured she had you promise not to say anything." I stated.

She sighed and nodded her head as she looked off away from me. We sat in silence for about a minute, I was about to say something when she broke the silence.

"Go home Aleks." She said softly.

"You're not going to give me anything?" I asked defeated. "I was secretly hoping I'd at least get something. Even if it was something small.

She turned to me and looked into my eyes as she repeated those 3 words but with what sounded like a hidden meaning to them.

"Wait." I said as the light bulb kicked on. " There's a reason you want me to go home, isn't there?"

She didn't give me a straight answer, just continued to stare at me.

"She went back to Colorado didn't she?" I asked. "That's what you meant by her not being in town."

"Go home Aleks." She said again as she stood up from the table. "And please, think hard about what the future may hold."

She started to walk away and got almost to the doorway back inside when she stopped and turned her attention back to me, "Oh and Aleks."

"Yeah ma?"

"She's been rough these past two years." She confessed, "Despite everything she still cares about you. She loves you. You just need to win her trust back."

"I'll try my best Ma."

"Oh I know you will." She said smiling, "Good luck Aleks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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