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This is about my life, before everything took over my body. I was young, in a family of four, a mom, a Dad, and a Brother. My family wasnt your, Typical, "family on the block", my family, was different. Not for the better either. Abusive Dad, Hard working mother, drop out Bother, then theres, well, me. I wasnt really included into the family much, they would always exclude me from all activities they did, not like I would enjoy them. My dad, a drunken bastard, wouldn't really be part of the "fun". His fun was beating us, no not at games, physical beating. He would get Drunk, come home, then, you know the rest. I try not to remember these things, but they just flood back into my brain from time to time, it gets on my nerves. My mom and Brother were wimps. They wouldn't fight back when my Dad would beat them, and they wouldn't try to stop him when he was beating me. But, I loved them. Loved, past tense, and theres a reason why it is, but all explain that later on. The beating went on for years, since I was able to walk actually. I got used to it, but, not until, he killed my Mom. He came home, drunk as balls, like always, and went up to my mother. She just stood there, knowing what was about to happen, but it was different. He pulled out a knife, muttering the words, "this is your fault, you did this". I didnt understand why he said that, nothing was her fault. I just stood there, watching, as he drove the blade into your beating heart, two , three, four, five times. I didnt blink, nor moved to help, just, stood and stared. My mom, was dead when she hit the floor, I heard bones crack. Soon he looked at me, "clean it up" he said, so, I did, barried my own mom in the backyard. Years past, I was, 15 or 16, then, in the same action he killed my mother in, my brother was next to go. I barried him next to mother, this time, I was used to it, but I knew, I was next to go. I walked back into the house, looking around for my father, and once I saw him, he, jammed a broken beer bottle into my eye. I screamed, like any one else would, but, as the blood flow from my eye, I looked up, just to see my father, holding a gun to his head. I couldnt stop him in time, so, he pulled the trigger. I was alone after that moment, but, the bleeding kept coming, so, i eventually gave up my life. My family was dead, there wasnt much to live for, so i dead, next to my father. I came back soon later as a spirit, but i could, take over, peoples bodies for my own game, so, i need that for awhile just to, amuse myself. I had them, commit suicide, cheat on their significant other, comment crimes, all the fun stuff. One day as i left a host, this dude, i don't know what he was, but he came up to me, offering me a job. I really couldnt keep going the way i was going forever so, i accepted.
Worst decision of my life.
I worked for him for maybe, 2 years, making me 17, I think, and he tortured me, everyday, 24/7. He would wip me, leaving scars, down my back, he left to, good sized ones, on my stomach. I couldnt take it anymore, so I ran. I ran to California, I lived in Alaska so it gave distance between home and here. Once I got there, I told myself I wouldn't work for another demon, but that soon changed. I roamed around a woods near by, and a shadowy Fingure came up to me. it seemed to be a young female, about 20, she had beautiful features, but, I couldnt hold back, I was itching for a fight, so, I attacked her. It seemed like she knew I was going to so, she just, stepped out of the way and slammed something into the back of my head, knocking me out.

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