Chapter 3

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* mmmm......* I aim my knife to the dart board. Its takes about maybe, 2 minute. I soon through it, it flies through the air, hitting the bulls-eye. I sigh happily, *what a great way to start off the morn-* before I can get out the rest of my words, a loud Boom, from my left, catches my attention. *what the hell?* I look to my left, seeing Darkas room. It likes like the door almost flew off its hinges. Shes always doing experiments, it gets annoying sometimes but i grew to ignore it. Its been a year since I've been here, making me 18, and it was pretty nice to be honest. I walk to Her room and knock, "Boss? You ok?" I ask through the door. All I hear in response is mumbling. So I open the door," Boss?" I look towards her desk, her having her head on the desk and hands on the back of her head. I walk closer, "maybe is i would've added more of......" The last part is mumbling, I tilt my head. "Darka?" She jumps and turns around, I freeze, " oh, hey Zoka" standing up darka walks towards me. I just stand there, a light crimson red covering my cheeks, " U-um, why are you a d-dude?" I question Him. He sighs, I can tell he was upset, "one of my experiments failed, basically blowing up in my face, theeeen, this happened." I nod and look him up and down, kinda cute. I smirk and look him in the eyes, "your kinda cute" I say smirking, I can tell there was a small pink covering his cheek. "Shut up" he growls towards me. I chuckle, " Nah, not when I'm not lying, your really hot, sexy, and-" soon enough, smoke wraps around my throat, holding me up in the air. I struggle, trying to pull them away. I look towards Darka, seeing him holding his Right hand up. "Stop, or ill kill you" he looks at me, having a Blank expression, I can still see a pink hue covering his cheeks, but its more red now. "Y-yes s-sir, I'm s-Sry" soon after I exclaimed that, he drops me to the floor. I cough a few times, barely able to breath. I catch my breath after awhile and stand up. I look around and notice that Darka has vanished. I shrug it off and walk out of the room. I head to the kitchen and open the fridge. After I grab a beer, I pop it open and take a sip, soon after I do, a figure appears next to me. It startles me so, I jump and nearly choke on my beer, I cough a few times and look up, seeing the same blank expression face that I saw just a few moments ago. He grabs some tea, then sits on the couch. I shrug and sits next to him, I look at him, smiling. He looks at me, kinda confused, then looks back at the Tv. I chuckle and lay my back on the couch. I finishes my beer and was about to get up until I drop the bottle. Before it could hit the ground and shatter, Darka reached down and caught it. I was impressed, "wow, your fast" I looked at him. Shrugging he hands me The bottle. I rethought of what I said, I smirk "thats what she said." Soon after, a pink hue appears on his cheeks. I chuckle and head to the kitchen, washing out the Bottle and putting it away. I lean back on the counter, thinking, i think i might like the boss, i chuckle, even if i do, like hell he'll like me back. Soon i start walking to my room. Going inside i start pacing back and forth. " I knew this is gonna be one hell of a ride"

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