Chapter 1

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I wake up in a regular looking bedroom. I rub my head trying to remember what has happened. "Was it all a dream?" I ask myself. I see a mirror and looking at it. "Nope, it was real alright" I touch my closed eye, getting blood on my hand in the process.  Soon enough knocks can be heard at my door. "Hello, can I come in?". It was a feminine voice. "Um... Yeah sure come in!". After a few seconds, someone walks through the door. It was the same female I saw in the woods. "Wait..... Your that girl that knocked me out!" I burst out at her. She sighs "yeah, Sry about that, but I couldnt have taken you if your kept attacking me" she rubs the back of her neck. I look closely, examining every detail about her, from her black liquid coming from her eyes to her black fading Finger tips. "Oh, yeah, I should've just listened instead of just attacking u" I chuckle nervously. "Its aight, any who, I wanna introduce u to same "friends" of mine" She motion her hand in a 'come on' motion, already heading out the door. Follow close behind, while looking around."so you'll be staying here for now on as my #1 servant". I listen closely, letting the word 'servant' sink in. "Hold up, servant?" I question her. She nods" yeah, don't worry, its not all that bad" we turn a corner, in front of a door, I assume to another room. She Knocks, "Anti, Buck, I wanna introduce you to someone" soon after she spoke, someone opens a door, a guy, with green air and a red shirt, he looks from the girl to me." Oh, hey, your new" he fully opens the door. I wave shyly. "This is Buck." She slightly points to the guy at the door." Hey Buck who's at the door?* Another male walks up behind Buck, I tilt my head, looking at his arm, its huge. "And this is Anti, they share a room" she soon looks at me, "I forgot to tell u my name, im darka, the boss around here" I nod slowly, still trying to take in everything. " Ok, to the next room" she waves to Buck and Anti, they wave back. We start walking to another room. Looking around i see some other people, well, not people, demons, creatures,ghosts, I don't know, they just seem to look like it. When we reach the room, she knocks " Stray, I know your upset, but, come meet the new girl" I hear Mumbling and groaning for inside the Room. After about a minute, the door swings open, hitting the wall with a bang, not gonna lie, it startled me, almost causing me to fall over. This girl named stray looks me up and down, "mmm...." She keeps staring at me, it looked like I was her prey and she was seeing if i was a worthy meal. " She looks like a wimp" I role my eye and cross my arm. "Don't be rude stray, even though she took your spot, doesnt mean you can insult her" she spats out at. It seemed like Stray was actually scared, "whatever you say boss" she slams the door shut, this time causing me to fall over. Darka looks at me and rolls her eyes, not amused," really, come on, there more people to introduce you too". After about an hour of introduction, I've learned a few people, like Masky, Muse, Buck and Anti, even Stray, she wasnt happy to see me though. Darka showed me around the house, all I really cared about was that they had a TV and a fridge full of beer. "So, thats the hole house." She turns and faces me. "Really?" I ask, "yuper er doodle" she says calmly, I chuckle, "so.... Can I go back to my room now?" She shrugs, "sure, why not, I don't need you right now." She walks off leaving me to my thoughts. Instead of going to my room, I wonder the house a little more. I get last in my thoughts, until " HEY ZOKA!" Broke my concentration. I turn around to be faced with a girl named muse. "Oh... Hey" I say back to reply. She wears a Mouth guard, and has long brown hair, shes nice, but hyper. "Whatcha Doing all by your lonesome?" She questions me. "Just thinking" I shrug. I walk past her, not  bothering to carry on the conversation. I head to the kitchen to grab a beer, running into people on the way. I open the fridge and grab one, I turn around and lean against the counter, popping open the lid. I take a sip and say to myself "this is gonna be one heck of a ride"

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