Chapter 2

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Hi people. I'm back with yet another chapter.
Enjoy reading

Mayank's POV
I sneaked into my home at 2 in the night. As I was moving upstairs towards my bedroom making sure to not wake up anyone my name was being called "Mayank, from where are you coming so late at night?", asked my father. I was startled because I wasn't expecting anyone to be up at this time of the night. "Dad I have an important meeting tomorrow and there was some work pending that was needed to be finished today itself that's why I'm late!", said I.
"Beta what did I tell you about not stressing yourself by working so late in the office. You need to take care of yourself son. Who will look after the company when the boss himself doesn't have a healthy life", said dad. Genuine concern was shown on his face.
When I started working with dad some 5 years before I took up interest in his business and made my mind to expand it globally. Today we have expanded it into 3 different countries including India that is in the USA and in Dubai.
Dad is retired now so being the only child I've to look after all the ventures.
"Sorry Dad, I'll take care next time. Btw why are you up so late? Anyway Good Night take care", with that I leave. Once I enter into my bedroom I take a quick shower and straight away go to sleep.
The next morning I'm awake because of the ringing of my phone. "Hello", I answer groggily. "Sir you have to be here in the office within 30 minutes because you're already late. It's 7.30 in the morning and the meeting will start by 8.15", said John my PA over the phone.
"Shit", I groaned and got up immediately. I walked over to the bathroom and did my morning business. Took a quick shower. I walked out of the bathroom. When I was drying myself with towel I told my maid to bring coffee for me. I entered my closet and started dressing. I wore navy blue dress pants and tucked in the white coloured button up dress shirt. I tied up similar coloured tie around my neck and wore the suit jacket.
The maid bought coffee for. I drank it and left immediately for office. The driver had already made my car ready. I entered the car and headed over to my office. I reached there at exactly 8 am. As soon as I entered the office building John handed over me the file to have a small glance over the important contents which will be discussed in the meeting. As I enter into the conference room I'm hit with a hot temperature.
"John why the hell is hot over here", I yelled at him getting irritated. "Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll put up the Air Conditioning immediately ", he apologised genuinely. Without saying anything further I took up my seat at the very front.

The meeting got over by 10 am. My happiness had no bound. Because I had cracked the deal with Maheshwari and Sons. They were in the most leading top 10 industries in the country. And to have signed a contract with them my company may show increase in the profit.
Mr. Sanjay Maheshwari was a highly experienced business tycoon. He had more than 12 years of experience of the business world. Being a millionaire he still was very humble and a down to earth person.
Some 5 years ago he'd promised me to sign a contract with my company someday. And he kept his promise and made a contract with my company.
Once all the formalities were taken care of, I decided there was now time to celebrate with all my employees and colleagues.
I ordered John to arrange a party in the evening as soon as possible.
After that I continued with my work.
I looked at the time on my wrist watch it was 5.15 in the evening. I wrapped up my work and my way out to home.

I entered home and shared this news with my parents who were already seated in the living room. My mom started squealing like a child when she heard of the contract my company signed today. My father didn't say anything and I didn't need it because I could see how proudly he was looking at me. He came near me and wrapped his hand around me give me a pat on my back. "Keep i Up Beta", said dad. "Thank you Paa", I replied. "Anyway get ready for the party that I'm throwing today. We all have to reach there by 7.30. ", I informed them. I interrupted them before they could speak, "Yes dad I have even invited Harish Chachu and Yamini bhua. Now stop asking questions and go get ready." I said to them.
I took a quick shower and started dressing up. I wore black dress pants, white button up shirt, bow tie and my suit jacket. It was designed by Armani. I wore my rolex watch and put on my best Gucci cologne that my cousin gifted me on my last birthday. I wore my black lace shoes brought from Zara.

I left home with my family parents. I reached the venue at exact 7.30. As I made my way out of the car, the paparazzi came running and started asking questions I answered them patiently. Once done I excused myself politely and made my way with mom and dad into the banquet hall. As I entered I was mesmerised by the decorations. John never fails to surprise me and so he's my PA I thought. The decor was done in formal way; yellow lights illuminating from the chandelier. There was light music playing on in the background. There were small tables around accompanied by chairs which were wrapped in white and maroon silk cloth. On every table they'd placed a small tiny vase with white roses and were assigned with the names of the respective invitees.

 On every table they'd placed a small tiny vase with white roses and were assigned with the names of the respective invitees

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When Everyone noticed me entering the hall they gathered and started congratulating me one by one, I thanked them all.
I had invited all my close friends, relatives, colleagues and even the other leading industrialists.
I made my way towards Mr. Maheshwari when I found him involved conversing with people. As he saw me he excused himself and came talked to me. "Congratulations Mayank I knew it from the day I first met you that you were capable to handle all the challenges that you've ever crossed".
"Thank you so much sir. Thanks for always believing in me. Now c'mon it's time to celebrate." With that We made our way towards the stage. The waiter handed me a bottle of Champagne and we made a toast. Everyone started applauding loudly.

After sometime I headed over to the bar and ordered a drink. As I was sipping on my drink my eyes made its way at far end of the room. I saw a pair of eyes full of joy, she was smiling towards someone. My heart skipped a beat with the way she smiled. Ugh what's wrong with me I thought. Maybe this is because of the alcohol I'm consuming. With that I blinked my mind to clear the weird thoughts that were crossing my mind.
But no it was like some magnetic connection was being passed which attracted me towards her.
As I was walking nearer to her I could now see a better image of a girl. She had Jet Black mid length hair, mesmerizing dark brown eyes, she was wearing a black high neck mermaid style gown. Her hair were left open. While she was smiling I could see how perfectly shaped her lips were. Once I reached behind her I was surprised seeing the person whom she was talking to.
"Mom", I called interrupting their conversation. They stopped talking and that is when the girl noticed me. My heart again skipped a beat at the sight of her.
I stood there dumbfounded. I couldn't move. I couldn't form any words to talk. God what's happening to me I thought.
"Yes beta! What do you want?," asked mom breaking my chain of thoughts.
"N-n-n-nothing mom. I just wanted to ask if you had your dinner so we could head home."
"Yes I'm done. She your father if he's done or not. I'll be waiting outside for you two." Replied mom.
In the car even while driving I couldn't stop myself from think about her.


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Good night! (Yes it's night here according to IST)

~Love Hazel

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