01.How it started

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Sunmi pov

Ughhh another day of pretending to be another to be a good princess... when in reality I'm not. I stopped dreaming of becoming queen years ago when I was 10... because of that incident I never ever wanted to be queen...

Fash back

"Happy birthday my dear." My mother smiled along with my father. "Yes happy birthday Sunmi."

"Thank you, mother.. father." I thanked them while smiling. Yeah, today was my 10th birthday and if course I'm still curious about why we can't leave. My parents say it's dangerous but it can't be that bad, right?

I'm walking around outside in the garden greeting people, then I see my twin brother looking out towards the sky so I went up to him to see what's wrong

"Dongsun? Are you ok?" When I asked he turned to me with a worried yet confused face, then he answered. "I honestly don't know... I had a dream that something terrible will happen tonight... but I don't know if it's true or not..."

I don't know what he's talking about but he shouldn't worry too much. "Come on don't think about it too much, you'll give yourself a headache," I said with a giggle then continued. "It was just a dream and dreams aren't real so everything is fine." It took awhile for him to respond but he smiled right after. "Yeah Sunmi, your right. Let's go and enjoy our birthday party so I can get this dream out of my head." I smiled in agreement then took his hand so we can go to the party.

The whole thing was great. I met so many new people from the kingdom's village's. Me and Dongsun even made some new friends. Getting to know them was fun.

We we're still enjoying our time, but then we heard an explosion and screams.

I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening, so I went outside to see what was happening. And what I saw... was the most horrible thing I've even seen...

People we're being burned and killed in numerous ways... it was a horrifying sight... my people were running away screaming and crying.... people were being killed or helplessly watching their family being killed.... this was really a terrible and horrible sight... Who would do this to us?? We did nothing wrong... so why...

My parent's we're telling everyone to go the castle where it's safe and go underground... while me I was still outside watching the world we live in....

I noticed a flag that had a sun on it and I instantly knew who was doing this... it was the Sun kingdom...

Anger boiled within me and I ran towards the village. I kept running until I heard crying.

"Someone... please help me..." I followed the voice and saw a little boy holding little girl who I assumed was his sister. I ran towards him and helped him carry the girl to safety. "What happened to your family??" I asked and he looked at me and answered. "My parents we're killed by the sun kingdom by execution... but me and me sister got away... but she was badly hurt..." "What's your and your sisters name?" "I'm Kai... this is Isla." He answered while looking at his sister. "I'm Sunmi." He then gaved me a surprised look. "A-as in princess Sunmi??" " sigh yup that's me." I simply answered. "Im sorry for troubling you princess..." All I did was smile "It's no problem at all. I wanted to help you guys get to the castle as fast as I can. I wanted to do this so it's ok."

We got to the castle without getting hurt and went underground for help.

But after all... this was supposed to be a happy day for me and my brother... but it turned to hell real quick....

So this is what the sun kingdom is like huh?? I looked at all the people who were injured badly and I filled with more anger.

After all of this I don't want to be queen... after all of this everyone think I would be scared but I'm not... I'm just angry... I want revenge.... They did this to us... I will not feel happy until most of them are dead by my hands....

Make no mistake it will happen when the time comes... so they better be ready for it... I'll be coming.... and that's a promise....

End of flashback

I was still in daze I didn't notice that one of the servants was in my room.

"Umm Sunmi?? Hellllloooo" I looked at the girl I've become so close with through the years.

"Oh, hey Isla. What's up?" I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Yeah hey, anyway back to what I was saying. The king and queen asked for you and Dongsun in the trone room. Like... now." She said while looking at her pocket watch."

"Ok, thanks I'll be right out-" she cut me off

"How was last night? How many we're there this time??" I know what she's talking about. She knows about what I do when night falls with everyone else. "There was 20 of them near the woods this time. I'm guessing the King finally knows about us and what we do to them... cause everyday there more of them... but we can handle it." I told her with a straight face.

"Alright then. Be careful next time you go down there... I heard around the village and people are talking about it... try not to get caught my dude or it won't end well."

"Yeah I will, thanks for the heads up."

"Your welcome. Now get dress your parents are waiting."

After that she left and I got ready to see my parents.

I'm done with my morning routine and headed out my door the same time as Dongsun and Kai did since his room is across from mine.

"Hey Dongsun and Kai, good morning."

"Morning Sunmi." They both said in unison

"Hey do you know why Mom and Dad asked for us??" Dongsun asked me in confusion.

"Nope, I thought you knew. But clearly not so lets just go see."

We started walking and Isla caught up with us so we all walked together.

I'm curious... what does mom and dad want??


Sunlight ~~ Moon light Kim Namjoon HAITUSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz