4. The Never Flow Forest

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Sunmi's pov

Getting ready to go to the never flow forest is always the same routine.

Wait until everyone is asleep and it's dark enough to leave without getting caught.

Make sure to pack all my weapons.

Dress in light clothing. Because it helps me move faster.

Go out.

......Kill them

Come home before sun rise

Same routine that I've been doing for 8 years now.

Do I get tired?? Yes

But is it worth it?? Hell yes

Those prissy sun bastards deserve it for what they did to us. I still don't understand why they did that. Do they know how long it took for us to recover from that night? No they don't

But that's why we can't be out for long. Those jackasses think it's ok to come here at night fall and kill anyone in sight. They'll still do it at sun rise.

I don't let them do that anymore.

After finishing up getting ready,
(a/n :this is her outfit)

After finishing up getting ready,(a/n :this is her outfit)

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I grabbed my gloves, mask, bow and arrows, along with my throwing knifes

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I grabbed my gloves, mask, bow and arrows, along with my throwing knifes.

To be honest, I actually have my powers. But I like hand to hand combat. But I have my bow and arrows with my just in case. My powers can get out of control sometimes, so I only use it for emergency reasons.

I go to my door to check if anyone was there. Lucky there wasn't. I closed my door then went to the far right corner of my room.

I stood there looking fot the right tile to push then I found it. Pushing the tile opens up to a secret pathway to the dungeon.

I start making my way to the end of the cells where I meet up with my group.

??? : "There you are. You're late you know."

Sunlight ~~ Moon light Kim Namjoon HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now