02. Excuse me... WHAT!?

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Sunmi's pov

We were walking around the halls in complete silence on the way to the throne room where my mother and father is. I wouldn't even say that the silence was awkward, in fact I think the silence is actually really calming. I like how quite the halls are, it gives you time to think you know?

But of course my enjoyment ended when Dongsun broke it.... So close

"What do you think they're gonna talk about Sunmi??" He asked and I just gaved him a confused look cause I still didn't know myself .

"I actually don't know what they want to talk about Donnie.... But it has to be important for the both of us right??" I asked and he shrugged. 

Now we're just talking about random things  like how our Mom and Dad expects us to be great leaders of our kingdom,  or how stuff down in the village is working out.

But then Kai asked me how last night went. Yeah, Kai and Dongsun also knows about what I do and they promised to keep it a secret.

Like how you have that one underground gangs that would hurt anyone who finds out and tells everyone else cause everything was supposed to be a secret. Yea we're kinda like that. But hey,  This is My brother- twin brother to be exact and two of some of my closes best friends.  So I don't do anything to them

I know Dongsun isn't really comfortable with me going out every night and basically putting myself in danger,  but he knows that I can handle myself.... Even though I had to convince him that for at least a month until he finally gave in. I love how understanding he can be.

After explaining the same thing I told to Isla we arrived at the throne room.

When we got in my parents told Kai and Isla to leave so they did after bowing. 

Before they left they gave us a look of encouragement then started walking out. But after they left everything was dead silent.

Yeah so you know how I said that silence is calming and I liked it?? Yeeaaahhhh this was just really awkward and somewhat painful. You can literally cut something with this awkward silence,  I'm not kidding this is making me feel all types if weird.

After awhile of awful awkward and painful staring 'which felt like for fuckin ever' My mom finally spoke out.

"Um Dongsun-ah Sunmi-ah, there's something really important that me and your father need to tell you. So please just listen." She spoke and we nodded urging them to continue. It took awhile but then she continued

"Me and your Father got a letter a week ago requesting for a peace and meet.... But the thing is that..." Mom looked at Dad and it looked like she was telling him to finish so he did

"The thing is that the letter was from the Sun Kingdom. And so is the peace and meet. " He finished his sentence and looked at the both of us... But the only thing you can see on my face is shock,  anger,  and fear.

Dongsun noticed and helded my hand. Then he looked up at our parents and spoke.

"Did....  Did you agree to go?" He asked and you can tell in his voice that he was hoping they'd say no....

It took awhile for them to say something but then Dad continued

"We...  Agreed to go... But you must understand why we're-" I cut them off

"Excuse me... WHAT!?" I raised my voice and continued. "WHY WOULD YOU GO TO THAT KINGDOM!?? THE KINGDOM THAT HAS MADE OUR PEOPLE SUFFER!!! WHY WOULD YOU GO THERE!!!??" I yelled. I was angry.... But I was mostly afraid of what's going to happen. If something were to happen to my parent's I wouldn't know what to do....

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