How "Durte Dom" Began

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Me and the new kid, David talk for the rest of the bus ride. He seems like a really cute, funny guy. After a while he gets more calm around me. Then we feel the bus screech to a halt. WERE HERE! 

I walk off the bus with David close behind. The second I step off the bus, I start dying laughing.

L: I can't believe that guy

I mutter under my breath while laughing

D: what's wrong

He asked clearly hearing what I said and my obnoxious laughter

L: AY DOM! The hell is on your head?

Do (DOM): hey liza! Like the hair?

He died his hair pink. He freaking died it PINK

L: Dom omg

Dom then turned to David

Do: wow! I thought I would be walking into school with the best hair but I guess I was wrong. *he starts touching the hair sticking out from under David's cap*  yours is SO FLUFFY

D: oh, uh.. Thanks?

Do: no problem but I've never seen you around here before

L: he's new. Found him on the bus, saved him from social suicide. He's mine today

Do: * looks over at David and " whispers" but he clearly wants liza to hear* lucky, I would wanna spend all day with that hot potato

L: haha DOM STOP!

She yells jokingly

Do: *keeps gaze on David* let you know if you need help " unwrapping her foil" if ya know what I mean

D: *blushes uncomfortably

L: hahaha DOM! Its his first day don't taint him yet. They should call you dirty Dom!

Do: hey! I like it! * he pulls out a sharpie and writes " hello my name is Durte Dom" and shows it to liza and David

L: DOM YOU IDIOT! You spelled dirty wrong

By this time I'm dying laughing

Do: well I gotta go. * he turns to David* let me know if you need help with that "foil" or need anything to smoke, homie

L: yeah we should get going too! Gotta get David's schedule and find his classes. Bye "babe"

Do: bye " babe", see you later "new homie"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAVID P.O.V

I talk with liza the rest of the bus ride ocasionaly I see some guys looking at her. I get kinda defensive in my head, but don't react on the outside. After a while, the bus stops.

We walk of the bus and liza starts laughing. Its cute but I'm confused as to what she laughing at. Then I hear her say, "I can't believe that guy"

I ask her what's wrong and then I hear her yell out some guys name. I get kinda mad that she talking to other guys for some reason. I brush it off then see some guy with pink hair walk over. Yup.. PINK

My first thought is that this guy is crazy for dying his hair pink. I look over at liza and she has the same response on her face! I guess this is a new thing.

He comes over and says a few words to liza. Then the guy, who I assuming by this point that his name is Dom, says to me, " wow, I thought I would be walking into school with the best hair-"

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