First Lunch

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I went to rest of my morning classes, still accompanied by Liza, until we finally came to the cafeteria. I sat down with Liza at the "popular girl" table. I felt so noticed sitting with them. Like just sitting with the population girls made you one. Of course I'm not a girl, but you get what I mean!

As we sat down I was introduced to three girls named Corrina, Carly, and Erin. I recognized the other girl, Gabbie, from before at our lockers.

Their conversations were really boring. I thought about what that Zane guy said earlier about sitting with him. I looked around the lunch room and found him, Dom, and Alex along with some other guys cheering at a guy at their table who seemed to be chugging all of the milk from the groups lunches. That looked way more my-style.

D: hey Liza I'm gonna go talk to that guy, Zane, from earlier

G: wait- your going to go talk to Zane?

D: uh, yeah?

Corinna: oooh, make sure to tell Gabbie Everything he says

G: Corrina! I don't like him anymore!

L: yeah

G: thanks Liza I knew I could count on-

L: she loves him

G: uh! I'm gonna-

D: ok! Well, bye!

I quickly get out of, whatever just happened there and make my way to Zane's table.

D: hey

Z: CHUG, CHUG,- oh hey new guy

Do: HEY HOMIE! Got bored with the hot potato and her army of french fries?

D: uh, what?

Z: you know each other?

D: yeah we met at the bus stop

Z: oh, ok well this is toddy, Scott, his girlfriend Kristen, Alex, Brendan, this weirdo Jason whose a senior and has been held back since 1967!


I laugh at the way they tease each other.

Z: and this idiot, who we all give a dollar to for each carton of milk he can chug, is Heath

H: hey baybee!

D: haha hi I'm David! I was sitting with Liza and her group, but their all so boring so I figured I'd come where it seems the real fun is!

Do: well you've came to the right place!

We continue talking and laughing and I end up getting invited to a party this weekend for the start of school. Lunch was really chill and fun. It looks like everyday is going to be like that with these guys! We hear the bell ring and I head to study hall. Maybe this year went be so bad after all!

Another high school diza storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant