The Party Pt 1

126 4 8

3rd Person

David's day ended up being one of the greatest he's ever had! His week continued being so, despite the feeling of sadness for leaving his friends in Chicago. The feeling was going to quickly go away soon, as the start of school party was in a few hours. He was gonna catch a ride with Scotty, and Kristen. He quickly threw on a black shirt and black jeans to match, and went downstairs to his family to eat dinner.

¤¤¤¤¤ David P.O.V ¤¤¤¤¤

I'm so excited to be going to my first party in Texas! I head downstairs and sit at the table, waiting to get some dinner before I head out.

I sit down with a grin plastered to my face and begin attacking my chicken with my knife.

E= Ester ( David's sister ) Dm= David mom

Dm: what are you eating so quickly for?

D: sorry mom, I'm on my way out soon.

E: where are you going? Gonna meet up with your new Texas giiiiiiiirlfriend?

D: pffft what no....... *mutters* shes not my girlfriend

Do: oh my goodness David, did you meet someone at your first week of school?

D: of course I met someone, I met a lot of people....

Do: you know what I mean, David

D: *opens phone* well would you look at the time need to get going now, bye mom, bye Ester 

David quickly sprints out of his seat after giving his mom and sister a kiss on the head. Ester smiles playfully as his mom rolls her eyes.

~Party Time Bitchezzzz~ 

-Liza POV-

I drive up to the house with Gabbie in the passenger seat gushing about Zane. She looked hot, I don't even know what she was complaining about. We looked like this:

Gabbie tried to dress up more than me, I don't really have anyone to impress

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gabbie tried to dress up more than me, I don't really have anyone to impress. Well, except David, we have been getting along well this past week of school. 

We walk into the party and I immediately see David over the roaring crowd of people. Gabbie leaves into the crowd to find Zane. Typical. Zane really knows how to throw a party, as he should considering he throws these crazy bashes like every two months. It doesn't sound like that many but trust me, the only reason why they're so spaced out is the he needs all that time to clean up after the last party and plan the new one. 

I start to make my way over past the staircase when I feel some guy start grinding up on me. He looked like he had already been drinking before the party even started, I was only about twenty minutes late. 

L: back off

I try to forcefully push him away and scan back for David. I've lost him in the crowd.  Uh oh.

Random guy: Come on little lady, you'll change our mind after a drink?

L: no thank you, I don't drink

RG: oh

He seems disappointed for a moment

RG: guess you'll have to remember this then

L: Remember wha-

He forcefully places his lips on mine. ew gross. His breath was the worst. Like cheap vodka and parents disappointment. I tried to back away but he parted us through the crowd and tried to push me up the staircase. Nobody dancing really seemed to notice, they can't really hear over the blaring music or see through the smoke anyway. He pushed me against the railing, hitting me in the lower back.


My legs go numb from the pain for a moment, he uses this time to pick me up and take me up the staircase, all while still sticking his tongue down my throat and grinding into me. It was really disgusting. 

Finally, I regain all my strength and manage to push his arms off of me. 

He seems annoyed from the loss of contact but I've already made my way down a few steps and he won't be able to catch me. I part my way through the crowd as I reached the bottom of the staircase. I head outside on the porch when immediately tears start to fall. I slam the door behind me and sit on the steps on the porch, hearing the muffled music and people having a great time, not knowing what I had just went through. 

I sit alone with my thoughts for a second before I hear the door open behind me. I  wipe my tears quick and turn to face a very clearly drunk............

To Be Continued


Guys! Who's gonna open the door? Do we want bonding time with Gabbie, a drunk but loving David, maybe a little bit of Kristen, you let me know?

Also sorry it's been literally forever since I have updated. you all have probably abandoned this story by now and I get that. I know everyone always says this but I really was going through some stuff and I wasn't for the entire time but recently I tried to get back into writing and couldn't. I'm not sure how often I'll post I guess I'll just do it based on how you guys like the story. Also DAVID AND LIZA BROKE UP but I'm still keeping the diza trash flowing. And I got a laptop now so it's a lot easier to write and update. 

Thank you all for being so amazing and understanding readers, bye

-Trash ♡

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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Another high school diza storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ