The Start Or The End?

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We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.     .......Dr suess

Hermione's pov

Pain clawed through my vunerable chest ruthlessly shattering my already battered heart as i could only stare at the incomprehensible scene that lay before me. Anger coursed through my veins , setting all of my nerve endings on fire as I felt my shattered heart lock itself never to be opened to anyone ever again. His unmistakable fiery red hair across her mousy brown one , as their arms tightly intertwined with the other brought their faces impossibly closer.  His hands roamed her body as she wound her hands into his hair begging for more which i had no doubt he would happily oblige her.

Tears started to obscur my my vision , as i struggled in futile attempt against my collasping dam of tears, refusing to let it break down. I am Hermione Granger, a war heroine , someone who is strong and determined . But why do I feel so vunerable and weak? I turned away from the disgusting scene wanting to run away and never look back for if I did I was sure I would lose myself.

Hot tears started streaming down my cheeks as I ran blindly away from the restricted section of the library.  Before i could even reach the entrance, I felt strong muscular arms encircle my waist gently pulling me into a stop. They exuded warmth and security , something which i so dearly desired. Involuntarily , I leant into his muscular profile and tilted my head up to see the one and only Draco Malfoy. My brows furrowed in confusion but made no attempt to get out of his comforting arms.

"w...what are you doing in the library?" I  choked out. His beautiful gray eyes softened  but held a bemused twinkle as his lips twisted into his playful signature smirk,"  To read , captain obvious. what did you expect? " I blushed furiously , feeling blood rush to my cheeks which would be tinged with an embarrassing pink.

I rephrased , more coherrent now ," I meant Malfoy what are you doing here with me?" His playful mood was wiped off as he pressed his sensual lips into a grim line. Refusing to take his silence for an answer, I stared deeply into his beautiful pools of grey , expecting him to give in. With a sigh he finally broke before barely whispering an almost inaudibly ,"I saw."  That was the moment when my entire dam of tears crumbled as i sobbed incontrollably . I was vaguely aware that he had gently pulled me into his muscled chest  and ran his fingers through my dark brown locks , muttering that it will be okay.

As the library darkened and the glimmering stars softly cast its elusive glow into the richly ornamanted windows of the library,  my muted sobs could be heard no more except for the disgusting snogging which still could be loudly heard among the almost empty halls of the grand library. With one of his long pale finger he slowly tilted my head my to meet his face before asking in a low and gentle voice, " Are you okay?"

With a painful breath i nodded my head , incapable of any speech.  He then led me cautiously  through the empty hallways , the sound of our shoes against the marbled floor could be distinctly heard as it rebounded against the ancient walls of hogwarts. "Its time for the winter ball. Our prescence is required. I would like to come along with you that is, if you want me to."  he finally spoke, clearly after some internal struggle. Mustering all my energy I directed towards him a genuine smile, one which I had not given within these past few depressing weeks.

"Oh my, is the great slytherin prince hesitating?" i smirked at him.

"Only if you want me to" he winked.

Giggling silghtly I placed my hand upon his muscular arm as we entered the great hall together. All was silent ,their unwavering attention was on us as they gaped with widening eyes in disbelief at the scene.  Among the sea of witches and wizards my sight unfortunately landed upon the despicable man I had wanted to see the least. His red hair was in disarray as his lanky body was awkwardly interwined with lavander's .

  Malfoy turned his head towards my direction and saw what I was glaring at. In a hushed voice, he asked, excitement clear in his deep voice," Shall we give them a show?"

Taking another look at the bastard , I turned toward Malfoy with a smirk of my own," Why not?"

Smirking back at me ,he crashed his lips onto mine kissing me furiously as my hands encircled his neck bringing us closer. His lips felt and tasted like ambrosia and I was sure that my head would explode. Without knowing, Iwas kissing back passionately. I gently bit down upon his soft lips demanding entrance which he teasingly refused to oblige . Fustrated I twirled my fingers around his soft white blonde hair and felt a momentary sense of smugness when he groaned letting me enter his mouth . Our tongues wrestled their shared space as we clung on tightly to one another refusing to let go.

Eventually our need for air made us break apart but we still had our arms on each other. Feeling dizzy with undescribable feelings i slowly turned my head to look at that bastard.

He was absolutely livid as his complexion turned into a gaudy red rivalling his hair as mouth twisted in anger. Trying to look indifferent as i tried to slow my beating heart and regain my composure, I slowly became aware of my surroundings.

Everyone's faces were a mask of shock and horror. The absolute insanity of it, the gryffindor princess and the slytherin prince. Their minds struggled to process it. All was quiet as the whole great hall was submerged in thick and almost impenetrable silence.

"Woah that was fucking hot!" seamus shouted out.

Everyone started clapping and cheering,though I was actually surprised the slytherins were actually cheering.

Though little did I know that kiss was going to change everything.

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