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Alec's POV
Funneh, Gold, and Kyran went to the kitchen to make snacks for everybody and I saw Yandere go into the guest room. I followed a few minutes behind her and took a gun out of my pocket quietly. I suddenly opened the door then slammed it shut behind me. "Okay, what the hell is your deal?!" I demand. Yandere scowls. "What do you mean? I made a deal with Gold. She already explained. Did you go deaf while I was gone?!" Without thinking, I point the gun at her. "Tell the truth." For the first time ever, I saw fear in her eyes. "I did." She says calmly. But I don't believe her. I slide a bullet into the barrel and prop my finger over the trigger and she stares at me, backing away on the bed. "Tell me the truth, I said. I know it's not that easy with you. You're gonna kill us all, aren't you?!" I demand. "I'm not lying." Her voice shakes. And then she bursts into tears, catching me off guard. Since when does Yandere cry?! I lower the gun. "What the hell?" I say. I try to sound mean, but it comes out somehow sympathetically. "My own sister tried to k-kill me, and now you too?! I know I'm a te-terrible person but I don't want t-to die..." She says 'sister' like it's a bomb that could explode at any moment. "AND WHAT ABOUT ME?! YOU TTOOK AWAY EVERYTHING I EVER HAD!" I yell. I hope Funneh doesn't hear. There is a moment of silence where Yandere just stares at me with a confused look on her face. "Do you think that never happened to me? Wanna know why I hate you? Because I see myself in you. What happened to you is what happened to me and someday, you'll do exactly what I did to you." Then it hit me like a smack to the face. Yandere got taken too.

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