Broken Hearts and Skylines GTAV

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(A Trevor PhilipsxOC story)

Zara's POV

Tears spilled heavily down my eyes as I grabbed the pen and paper in my shaking hands. I had just witnessed my boyfriend, Trevor Philips, the infamous psychopath killer making out with Ashley Butler, a biker that belonged to The Lost.

I quickly wrote a note and grabbed my belongings, ran outside to quickly hail a cab before Trevor gets home and begs me to stay.

He probably wouldn't even come, he obviously doesn't care. The memories of Trevor's hands roaming all over Ashley, halfway naked... The deer in headlights look they both gave me as they realized I had just caught them red handed.

I whistled for the cab to stop and I gave an address to my brothers home in Los Santos, Michael De Santa or Townley whatever he changed his name to. The whole cab ride was silent, only seldom sniffles and muffled sobs from me.

My phone buzzed, Trevor's name and a picture of the two of us on our two-year anniversary. I hit the crimson red ignore button and stuck the phone in my back pocket.

I knocked on Michael's double doors and the door opened, revealing Amanda De Santa. One look at my tear stricken face and mascara that was running down my face. She enveloped me in a hug. "Sweetie, what happened? You look awful. Come inside." Once inside I broke down, blubbering everything.

Michael who was beside of Amanda, looked furious. "Im going to kill T for messing with my sister I swear to god." He hugged me and told me I could sleep in the spare bedroom tonight.

Trevor's POV

"Ashley?" I said as I almost reached my red Bohdi. Ashley smirked at me and walked over, running a finger down my arm. "Trevor... It's been a long time since we've been intimate." Ashley bit her bottom lip, looking at me with big, seductive eyes. "I have a girlfriend, Ashley."

I muttered, taking her hands off of me.

"Oh, come on, T-bear. She won't find out... I know you miss me. Just one night." Ashley pouted, her hands roaming down my chest and down to where my privates were.

I inhaled deeply and as I was about to decline the offer, Ashley put her lips on mine. I tried to push her off, but melted into the kiss. Her lips were nothing like Zara. There was no spark with Ashley. With Zara, I felt fireworks going off. Ignoring it, I angrily grabbed Ashley's ass and pulled her closer.

Ashley smirked and slipped her fingers beneath my waistband. Suddenly we heard a gasp and snapped apart. The blood drained from my face as I saw Zara, looking hurt, tears beginning to slip down her cheeks. "Z-Zara. Wait, its not what it looks like-" Then Zara ran off.

Pushing Ashley off of me-who was smirking- I grabbed my keys and started up the engine, flooring it to make it to our shared trailer before Zara leaves. My mind was going into overdrive. I couldn't lose her. I love her.

Finally after what seemed like forever I pulled up at Zara and I's trailer and burst inside. There was no sign of Zara, only a note that was taped to the refrigerator.

Dear Trevor,

I know that everyone has left in your life and Im sorry. But if Im just a replacement girl and you don't actually love me I'll be damned sure I won't stay. How long have you cheated behind my back? I can't believe I was so stupid as to trust you. I loved you, Trevor. I gave up everything for you. Don't call me, I won't answer. And before you "try to explain" I saw everything. And cheating wasn't the thing that hurt. What really hurt was that you spent all the time pretending that you loved me. I saw you kiss her, Trevor. Im not stupid.


I fell to my knees as tears began to perk my eyes. I punched a hole in the wall of my trailer. Boys weren't supposed to cry. But love made you weak.

I already missed Zara. Her flowing brunette curly hair. Her eyes brighter that any blue imaginable. Her soft light pink lips that when I kissed I felt instantly warm. Her holding me against her when I've had a rough day. Her erratic touches. The grinding. The nights of pure love emitting from the both of us. Her fingers in my hair. Tracing my scars and tattoos.

Looking for my phone I dialed her number, praying for her to pick up. She didn't. Tears began to flow down my cheeks as I picked myself up and went to my bedroom, crawling into bed still in my clothes and thought about how badly I fucked up.

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