Chapter 7

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After my Anna left, I sat down on my bed and tried to regroup my thoughts. I have been way to careless, and I need to make some changes. Luckily, everything was all cleared up with Nash, but I still need to be more careful. I almost lost my mission, and I wasn’t going to let that happen again. After much analyzing, I concluded that I would have to go after the killer myself, because I didn’t think he would be taking action anytime soon. I knew that going after him meant leaving Nash sooner, but I would rather him live without me than get hurt while I'm here.

Thursday after school, Nash had lacrosse practice, so I had the opportunity to try and investigate for anything that could lead me closer to the mans identity. I had “left” my purse at Nash's house the day before, so I had an excuse to go over to his house. I was thankful to see that there were no cars in the driveway, signaling that there was nobody home. I walked into the front door like it was my own house, and went up the stairs to Nash's room. Once inside, I began to go through all of Nash's things. I felt really guilty for going through his stuff, but it was to help him. After 10 minutes of looking, I found nothing. I leaned my head against the wall and groaned. This is not going as planned.

“What are you doing here?” I heard Hayes ask from behind me, and I jumped.

“Wa- me? I just had to uh get my purse,” I quickly say, “Here it is, I should go. Sorry to barge into your house like that.”

“It's okay, your pretty much family now,” He said. The words hit me hard, and I was flooded with happiness. I always thought of the Grier's as my second, well, third family too.

“Thanks Hayes. I really appreciate that,” I say to him with a smile.

“You're welcome. I guess ill see you later then.”

“Ya, see ya,” I start down the stairs, but pause. Maybe I should ask Hayes if he has seen anything weird.

“Hey, Hayes, one question. Have you by chance seen anything.. Odd? Or meet someone weird?” I ask.

“No, why do you ask?” He says looking confused.

“No reason," I reply, "Are you positive?”

“Well, there was this one guy who stopped me after school.. He asked me some questions about Nash.”

“Really? What did he ask you?” I say, now getting excited, yet nervous.

“He asked if I was his little brother, and I said yes. Then he asked if we would be leaving to go anywhere, like on vacation anytime soon, and I said no. Finally, he asked when Nash had lacrosse practice, so I told him. It was really weird, but I thought he may have just been a fan or something.” he tells me. My heart starts beating fast.

“Thanks Hayes, say hi to Sky for me, ill see you later,” I don’t even let him reply, I just run out the door. Of course, he wants to get Nash when he isn’t with me, and the only time that would be is during lacrosse practice. I speed over to the school, and see him practicing in the field. Sure enough, there is the same black van parked in the parking lot. I park my car on the opposite side of the lot, and walk over to the side lines of the field. I can't see the man I fought earlier, but I do see one that looks younger, about 19 or 20. He is watching the practice too. He sees me from across the field, and gives me a glare. As soon as we make eye contact, he ducks his head down and runs out to his van. It is too far away to make out what he looks like. I start to go towards him, but the team is already running to the sidelines. Practice has already ended. Nash spots me, and gives me a smile.

“What are you doing here?” he asks as he takes a giant drink from his water bottle.

“I came to watch. I’ve never seen a lacrosse game before,” I state, and he gives me a surprised look.

“What?! You have to come to our next game then.”

I look to see if the van is still there, but I’m not surprised to see that its long gone.

“Definitely,” I reply. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, and I wipe off the sweat from my face with a playful gross look. He gives me a light shove, and we leave the field.


Friday after school, I go to my locker to take out my books, and find a small note that has been shoved through the crack of the door. Thinking it's from Nash, I open it and read it. To my dismay and horror, I discover that it isn't from him, but from the killer. All it has is one short message.

Stay away from Nash, or I hurt the little girl too.

My heart beats faster as I crumple the note and shove it in my pocket.. Not only was it bad that Nash was in danger, but now Skylynn to? He knows where to hit me in the weak spot, but I won't give in. This just made my job a little bit harder.

I rub my forehead, angry at myself. Sky is now in danger, and it was all my fault. If she gets hurt, I would never be able to live with the guilt. Nash comes down the hall, and I change me emotion from angry to happy.

“Hey, you want to get some ice cream or something?” he asks me.

“Ya sure, can we bring Sky? Haven’t seen her in forever, and she is so cute!” I ask with hopeful eyes.

“Sure, whatever you want,” He says, and kisses me on the forehead. We walk hand in hand out to his car, and I suddenly feel better about everything.


Sorry for the short chapter. Who do you think the killer is? thanks for reading, leave a like and a comment if you want:)

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