Chapter 1

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It's the first day of senior year and I'm so excited I wake up before my alarm goes off. I get up and go for my usual 3 mile run and when I get home I jump in the shower to start getting ready for school and decide to just dress pretty chill in jeans, a tshirt and a pair of vans and grab my keys and bag. By the time I'm ready I see I have several texts from my best friend Ally


A-dog💩: Yo Shan what's cracking

A-dog💩: Seriously though I'm on my way over to raid your kitchen for food 🍳🍞🍽☕️🍕🍕🍕🍕

Shannon: That's cool I'll see you soon but there's no way we're having pizza this early in the morning! 😷

As I send it there's a knock at the door and I can tell its Ally because as always she keeps pounding the door until I answer it's like she has zero chill!! "Dude chill the fuck out I'm coming!" I shout at her but she keeps banging until I reach the door and open it up. "Yo what took you so long Shan, I think I aged about 3 years waiting for you" Ally said. "Yeah it's lovely to see you too and of course you're welcome to come it" I say as Ally's already in my kitchen. After closing the door I go to the kitchen and find her with two bowls of cereal ready for us "seriously why can you not be this quick and organised all the time Ally??"

"Right then Shan, I made breakfast so you can tidy up and then we'll head to school" "thanks Ally you're too kind!" I say while rolling my eyes at her as she plays some stupid game on her phone, I put the dishes in the sink and grab my bag while guiding Ally out to her car.

"Does the school look smaller" I ask Ally as we pull up to school. "Nah it's just because we're seniors now and we're in charge!!" She replied. We get out of the car and walk to the school office to collect our schedules. "Right Ally I've got English with Duncan first period so I guess I'll head there, see you at lunch" as I say that the bell rings so we say goodbye and head off to our classes, I'm the last to arrive to my English class so I grab the last free seat and pull out my notebook to get ready to learn. I scan the room to see if any of my friends are in the class but I don't recognise anyone apart from the blond next to me called Cammie Scott who used to be my best friend, we make eye contact and smile at each other and my heart skips a beat because I have a huge crush on her!!

"Good morning class and welcome to your last year of high school English, this year I've decided to do things a bit differently and set a topic that all of your course work is going to be based around... the topic is life and what you've learned over the course of your lifetime. So every week we'll look at a different aspect of human life and think about what that means to you. I'd like you all to pair up as this will involve lots of discussion and team work so I'll give you all a few minutes to pick someone" Mr Duncan finished his speech and as I took in what he said I got a nudge on my arm and turned to face HER!! "Hey so um you're kind of the only person I know in this class so how about we partner up" Cammie looked at me with those big green eyes and I struggle to comprehend what she said. "You don't have to if you don't want to, it was just an idea" "No, sorry I mean yes I'd love to be your partner Cammie!"

"Right class I'd like you all to spend the rest of the class getting to know your partner a bit better to prepare you for the year ahead" Mr Duncan said, he's always been a pretty chill teacher so I think this will be a great year! But how am I going to have to face her everyday and keep my feelings hidden??"

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