Chapter 6

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Shannon POV

Everyone left after Tom came, even my friends so I just turn everything off, lock up and head to bed, I'll clean up tomorrow because I'm too tired to now. As I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling I can't stop thinking about the kiss! What does it mean?? I know she was a little bit drunk but she kissed me so it must mean something! I grab my phone and call her because I need to know!

No answer!

I'll text her, surely she can't ignore a text!

Cammie 😊:

S: Hey 🙂
S: Hope you made it home safe
S: Please can you call me📞

I don't want to pester her too much so hopefully she'll reply to that!

Cammie POV:

What the hell!!
I kissed her!
I kissed Shannon!
What if I've ruined it and she doesn't want to be my friend and every time I have to do work with her in English it'll be awkward because she hates me! Was I drunk enough to blame it on that? Or should I be honest and hope she feels that same? And if she doesn't then just hope we can still be friends?

I hear my phone ringing and go to answer it when I see it's Shannon! I don't think I'm ready to speak to her so I ignore it, maybe she'll think I'm asleep and leave me alone until tomorrow? As I'm thinking that I get a text, nope two texts, nope three texts from her! She's co cute! I don't want to call her though because I'm not ready for rejection! But it would be rude not to text her back

S: Hey 🙂
S: Hope you made it home safe
S: Please can you call me📞

C: Hey, yeah thanks I'm home

S: That's good, if I phone you will you answer this time?

C: Stevie's asleep next to me, let's just text instead
(Stevie's not here but she doesn't need to know that!)

S: Okay, so did you enjoy the party?

C: Yeah it was great, thanks for the invite! Was everything okay with the cops?

S: Yeah it was a friend of my dads so he just told me to keep it down because it was so late
S: But unfortunately everyone ran away which kind of spoiled the end of it as I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to anyone

C: Glad it's all okay!
C: Yeah that's true, so are you now texting everyone to say bye?

S: Nope only you
(That's just made me weak! Maybe she liked the kiss?? Or is she just being polite before she turns me down?)

C: Aw thanks! I feel very lucky 😊
C: So is this when we say goodnight?

S: Not yet, I think we should talk about what happened!

C: Why? What happened?

S: Cam don't play dumb, you weren't that drunk when you kissed me!
S: And I just want you to know I liked it, I was just a bit surprised by it

She liked it!! Yes!! My heart is racing right now but I couldn't be happier. I don't want to do this by text so I phone her
"Hey Cam I thought you couldn't speak because Stevie's with you"
"Yeah I'm sorry I lied about that because I was nervous"
"Why were you nervous?"
"Because I kissed you and you looked shocked and I didn't want you to stop being friends with me again!"
"Cam you won't lose me! But can I ask why you did it?"
"Because you looked so pretty and also I wanted to"
"Aw you think I looked pretty"
I'm blushing now but so glad this is going well "Well you did!"
"Thanks Cam. Listen I'm getting sleepy and I don't want to be a jerk and fall asleep as we're talking so can I phone you in the morning and we can talk more then?"
"Sure thing Shannon, goodnight"
"Goodnight Cam"

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