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So there are the type of demons are are dubbed, "the fallen angels". That's exactly what they are.

Angels in heaven that don't do what's right, (any angel who defies God or does something unholy) will be banished from heaven.

This punishment is very sad. It includes getting your wings torn and plucked, broken, and trampled, being taken from your home, cast away (with broken wings), and can never return.

They have two roads to go from there.



A wanderer is a angel/demon that is too good for hell and too bad for heaven. Basically a fae.

A fae is different than a demon though.

Faeries are evil little pricks that love pranking and causing mischief. Sorta like a demon. But they're more graceful and pretty.

Demons pull energy from death. Not whatever pixie dust those fake fairies take.

Is there a way to get back into heaven?

Nope. Sorry man. Shouldn't have been a bad angel in the first place.

Now these are one of the weakest demons.

First off all they had angel abilities, (healing, flying, etc.) and now they have to (painfully I may add) convert to a demon.

Secondly, their powers are blocked. You think being banished from heaven was punishment enough? Nope. Nobody wants a loose demon with these powers on the loose. So they're locked up.

Lastly, they're weak from being banished. All that energy you had being free and strong, is stripped away. It's like if you woke up all refreshed and suddenly you have to run a five mile marathon...... in two minutes.

So yeah. They are pretty weak.

Which is funny cause you'd think they'd be the most powerful.


-literally none. You're screwed


-bloodlust sickens you. (You just came from somewhere that had the best food and now you have to resort to blood.) this is the weakest time for you.

-heaven keeps tabs on you. They're always watching. You betrayed them what do you expect?

-only powers you have are flight. (But your wings aren't that good sooooo)

-weak. Yeah. You're one of the weakest ones.

-don't live long. (Not from age. Usually other things will kill you. Demons especially for uh. Reasons.)

So yeah. Don't get banished from heaven.

Otherwise you're totally screwed

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