Always here

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Now some demons have been here. (Depending on what you believe, this could be Lucifer.)

They've existed forever. Since the beginning of time.

And they're powerful. Like-


Imagine a demon that has had time to master and create their powers. They are the most powerful type of demons. Basically unstoppable.

Unfortunately there aren't many left.

There was this ritual sword thing certain heroes of whatever made, and it could kill the demons.

So yeah. Not fun there

Now these demons are your typical horns, red, breathe fire type of demons. The type you see in old paintings or cartoons. The type that places a chill down your spine.


So these type of demons don't actually need blood to survive. They feed off of war, death, fear, etc. but they sure do it anyway. Gives them more strength.

They are tracked easily because of their immense power though. Which is how those people found and killed them.

Gee sorry man. I guess those swords are just a pain in your glass. Get it? Cause the swords were made of a certain type of glass? Eh eh? No?

Also, you can't change your looks. Sorry man. Horns and red faces stick.


-all mighty
-full powers
-no need for bloodlust


-the glass sword thing
-tracked easily

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