Conformity Part Four: Friendship

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Conformity Part Four: Friendship
3rd person POV


Michael nervously stood outside the red door.
‘Should I knock...or text him...did he forget?’ His mind traveled until he found himself knocking. Almost immediately, the sound of socks on wood floor came barreling towards the door and Jeremy yanked open the door, out of breath.
“H-hey! Come in- I mean if you want to of course it's up to-just come in.” Jeremy panted, making way for Michael and his bag, which contained pajamas, the Game of Life, Monopoly, Uno, and a surprise for Jeremy.
“S-so! I ordered us food. Salad for me and cheesy bread for you because most people don't like lettuce but if you like salad you can have mine! Do you like salad?”
Michael giggled. “I'll stick to cheesy bread. Don't you want any? You're so skinny.” Michael inquired, realizing he'd never really seen Jeremy eat anything other than salad, fruit, and cereal.
“Well, I have a small stomach, so I don't like to eat much…” Jeremy lied through his teeth,feeling quite guilty, but Michael decided to drop it for now.
“” Michael moved on, much to Jeremy’s delight.
“Y-yeah! I planned out a whole thing! Come up to my room!” He gripped Michael's hand, causing his cheeks to blush. Both boys inwardly squealed.
“Okay, first! Primer! You use this to keep the makeup on all day, so I'll uh- just rub this on your face…” Jeremy muttered, awkwardly placing his fingers on Michael’s cheeks. Michael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, earning a snort from Jeremy.
“Stop it, you nerd! Next is eye makeup. So just, close your eyes so I don't stab your pupil- It'd be a shame if you went blind.
“You wouldn't be able to see me anymore, silly.” Jeremy smirked, brushing the dark shadow onto his eyes.
“S-so, where's your parents?” Michael asked, chewing on a stick of cheesy bread.
Jeremy looked down. “Um, my mom left a few months ago so my dad is dealing with it in his own way...I guess.”
“I'm sorry-”
“No! It's fine. Im fine.” Jeremy assured him.
Some time later, Michael’s face was almost completely covered in all the different products.
“Woah- what the fuck is that?!” Michael scooted away in fear.
“Huh? Oh you big baby, it's an eyelash curler! You think this happened naturally?!” Jeremy batted his eyelashes and puckered his lips, Michael laughed.
“It looks like something you use to give birth, no way it's touching my face!”
Much to Michael's glee, Jeremy rolled his eyes and muttered “Fine…” Before picking up the highlight. “This is the final step. It goes on your cheek bones and by your eyebrows and above your lip to give you a glow. So just, don't move. Again.”
After applying the finishing touch, Jeremy proudly smiled.
“Ah! T-there, you're done! Look in the mirror.” Michael whipped around and stared. He was...beautiful.
“Jeremy! You did so good! I feel so confident! And alive! Holy hell!” He jumped up and hugged Jeremy.
“Woah! Calm down, Mell. You look really cute, don't mess it up.”
“I got you something!” Michael smiled, running to his bag and pulling out two braided bracelets.
“Friendship bracelets!?” Jeremy shrieked, grabbing one.
“I mean you don't have to wear it-”
“Thank you…” Jeremy mumbled, putting the bracelet on carefully and lovingly.
“We should do this more often.” Michael hinted.
Jeremy smiled widely, feeling happier than he did usually.

Oh man who knows how many parts theres gonna be?! I love Feminine Jeremy okay?!

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