Pining Session (Part One Maybe??)

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“Does the stoner have a boner for the loner?” Brooke teasingly smiled, interrupting Michael’s hardcore pining session. Reluctantly, he took his gaze away from Jeremy and glared at Brooke.
“Me? Michael? Gay? For Jeremy? However did you know?” Michaels bout of sarcasm didn't affect Brooke in the slightest as she rolled her eyes and continued.
“I can help you, get Jeremy…” She smiled.

Michael glanced over to where the tall boy was in a conversation with Christine- not the most popular girl. No shade towards Christine, but Michael just didn't understand Jeremy’s fascination with the short girl. Maybe it was their similarities, as they were both using rapid hand movements and weird shrieks, having what seemed to be the time of their life. Michael wished he was like that. Eventually he turned back towards Brooke and crossed his arms.
“What d’you mean? He’s straight. And obviously into Christine.”
“Straight?” Brooke laughed. “He’s bi. Watch this.” She arched her back slightly and pursed her lips. “Jeremyyyyyy!” Her voice sweetly rang through the air and over Christine's sentence. Jeremy’s head turned as he instantly smiled nervously, gravitating away from Christine, who pouted and turned away with a few tears in her eyes. Michael almost felt bad.

“Oh, hey Brooke!” He smiled, leaning onto her desk.
“Jeremy, Michael here needs help with English. He's absolutely terrible at it, but I have a different teacher than him. Mind helping him out?” She points towards Michael, saying    with her eyes.
“H-hi..” Michael parts his lips into a nerdy smile, returned by Jeremy.
“Of course….today after school?” He replies after a few seconds of intense eye contact.
“After school.”

In the background, Brooke leans back, once again confident in her abilities. On her phone is a single message.
To: Jenna
I think I did it.

I wrote 90% of this while watching Rent even though it makes me sad!!!
I'm sorry its almost been 20 days since the last update, schools got me all fucked up up fam,, ily

Also ya gotta tell me if you want a Part 2

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