the discoevery

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One day there was a guy naemed darude brewn, he had a big feshish for trains. This became apparent when he realised he could not stop thinking about them, the more he thought the more he seemed to fall in love.
In the end darude decided to construct a train, just for himself. However he needed a way of doing so, aha! Building a ride at a theem purk, he was so impressed with himself by cumming up with that idea that he threw a party.

He drank until he passed out. He was woken up with the 'Thomas the tank engine' theme murmuring from his phone, he grasped the phone weakly, as he was super duper hungover, and somewhat realised that it was from theruop purk, a nice theem purk that is owned by nuke varnty. He screm and jump back suddenly hitting his fragile head on a shelf, how did that get there? "Help I accidentally build a shelf Varnty!" He yell, smacked shelf agen.

love train (a derren brown x train fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя