the plan

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"wel meybe u should accidently build a tren!" Varnty screeched like a birb.
"omg train" sed the demon
damo the demon was darude's baby and he loved him very much. Damo liked trains and so did brewn but damo loved them more than just as a fetish
"it's just a face damo" sed varnty "not like ur fathers true love"

this upset damo a lot so he ran away and started to cry

"varnty the shelf upset him" whispererd darude. Then despacito started to play and his ears exploded
"it's ok I can replace them he sed, putting trains in his ears. they were better than his human ears!

Varnty licked his phone, which tasted like saw the ride "yum"

"darude make me that beautiful plan for ur tren. Love uo and ur tren bye"
Said varnty, turning into a rainbow unicorn and fading away from the phone...

love train (a derren brown x train fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now