the invasion

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darude grabbed his papers and sniffd them gently. he caressed his paper like a woman would do with her baby. "this paprr wil hold my tru lov" he cried, rocking it back and Ruth. "omg ruth" sed damo "who r u"
"i am your imagination" muttered the paper, floating into the jupiter.
"wait where did the jupiter come from" said varnty, appearing into the air
"wait varnty what"
then varnty disseapeard.
darude was on the floor crying because ruth had left him "no my wife he sobbed"
"it's ok ill be ur wife" sed jupiter
"what the billie who is Jupiter"
But Rick aptly was alrradi playing

Darude was safe because his erics were trens but damos ears explodid!!!11!!

"omg my ears" sed damo, screeching
"they fell off!!!11
he began to cri.
"i will get revenge on my train" he sobbed floating after ruth

"nooo damo" cried darude

love train (a derren brown x train fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now