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Steven made his way up through Eli's house towards his bedroom he couldn't find Eli in any room in the house so if he wasn't there, he'd have to find Aria and that was something he wasn't wanting to do. It had been days since Aria's transition and so far he hadn't heard from her or about her.
He pushed open the wooden door to see his friend lying on the bed in the darkened room, "Have you been here this whole time?"
Eli propped himself up with a pillow and smirked, "I know I'm amazing and all that but you need to find someone else, I'm a taken man,"

Steven chuckled as he sat on the edge of the bed, "I'm just worried about Aria,"
"Do you think she made the wrong choice?" Eli asked, sitting up straight as Steven relaxed.
"I have to say, is it not crazy that the world would create two people to be together but then stop them being together because one will eventually die?" asked Steven, staring into space.
"Steven, I think it's a little too early to be contemplating life choices," stated Eli, "You're getting into that really depressing stage but I see what you mean. I'm worried about her too so I'm gonna go to her's later,"
Steven lifted himself from the bed and nodded before heading back towards the stairs. He turned back to look at his friend, "I'm not worried because she turned. I'm worried because I've kept an eye on her even though she doesn't need one but last night, there was someone hovering around her apartment block, they disappeared when I got out the car. I was stuck on if I should tell you or not but I don't want anything to happen to her,"
Eli stood up and raced towards the open balcony and vanished into the night as soon as Steven stopped speaking.

Across town, Aria stirred her coffee slowly. She raised the mug to her lips and took a quick sip when there was a pounding on her front door. She froze for a second as her mouth went dry. She regained herself and opened the door, to find Eli. He practically rushed in and began looking around her apartment. He didn't speak. He looked out every window, in every cupboard, every room, every corner and ignored any interruptions Aria had before heading back out into the hall.
"Can you tell me what you're doing?" asked Aria, chasing after him as he walked down the hall.

Eli stopped in his tracks, turned to face her, "I'm going to Hell,"

Aria raised her eyebrow as Eli's hands quickly reached out and snapped her neck. She fell forward, lifeless again, and into his arms. He picked her up and slouched her over his shoulder as he went back, closed her apartment door and then headed outside.
"She is gonna be pissed," mumbled Eli, kicking the door to the block open as the outside air hit him.

Aria's golden eyes fluttered open as her vision adjusted to the dim room. It was lit by a few candles all over the room so she could make out the majority of the space. She sat up on the large bed as she realised she was in Eli's bedroom. She was still fully dressed in what she had been, just hours ago. She slid to the side of the bed, stood up and felt around for her shoes when she remembered she hadn't been wearing any when she chased after Eli. As she headed to the door, it swung open slowly and Eli stepped in.

"I know, I need to explain, so sit down," he announced, closing the door after him.
Usually, Aria wouldn't do as she was told in this situation but it was as though her body was under his command and got yanked back to sit on the bed. He hit a button on the wall and some lights in the room came on, further brightening the place.

"Don't be mad," started Eli, examining Aria's face as she stared at him, "I told Steven to keep an eye on you and do little checks on you,"

Aria knitted her brow together.

"And today he told me that last night, he saw someone hovering around your apartment so I came to try and see if I could pick up on whoever's scent. So I am sorry. For breaking into your house and killing you, again, but you were asking too many questions," explained Eli, sitting beside her.
Aria narrowed her eyes and stood up as he sat. She processed everything he was saying, "I get that you're trying to protect me, but it could have been someone who was lost, someone who was looking for a spare room somewhere. I don't know anyone who wants to hurt me. And if you break my neck again I swear I will do something much worse,"
Aria felt her blood turn hot as she felt her fangs growing in her gums.
"I'm sorry, just take a deep breath," Eli said, standing up and reaching for her hand to stop her slipping into the frenzy.
After she calmed down, she finally spoke, "Why did you go straight to assuming it was bad?"
Aria had no enemies in this town, she barely had friends. Nobody would be after her.
"Because I don't want you to ever be in the position where you might get hurt," said Eli, as Aria slid her own chilled hand back.

Aria looked down at her hands and clasped them together, "I'm still learning, Eli, you can't go psycho-guard on me yet,"
Eli nodded.
Aria sat back on the bed before lying down and wrapping herself in the covers. Eli listened intently as her heart rate slowed down while she fell asleep.
Eli stood up and turned the lights off again, dimming the room once more. He moved back to the bed and sat next to Aria, whose eyes kept fluttering open. She rolled over and glanced back with hazy eyes, as if expecting him to come and lie with her. He slouched down and rolled into her, acting as the big spoon while Aria closed her eyes. She wiggled closer to him and finally relaxed as Eli also felt himself fall asleep.
Video On Top; 'Losing Your Memory' by Ryan Star

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