Chapter 2.1

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I felt like throwing up, but I kept on walking. I was only one step from her door, I took a deep sigh and I stuck my arm out. I reached the doorknob and slowly turned it, IEEEK the door went open. I saw my mom laying on her bed with some gossip magazine.

What do you want? She asked and gave me a dirty look.

Do you know where my purse is? I said as softly as possible.

What? It wasn’t a surprise she couldn’t understand me, I tried very hard to talk as softly as possible.

I took a sigh again.

Do you know where my purse is? I said with my normal voice, but I was too afraid to watch so I didn’t know how she would react.

No I have no idea, and no I didn’t took it. Leave me alone will you! It was a little bit snappy, but it was so much better than I expected. Maybe she was sick.

I ok, than I will look again. I said and walked away, I still hadn’t looked at her. ‘

When I was back in my room  I almost cried, I was so scared for a fight. I had no idea what was wrong with her, but OMG I’m so relieved.

I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find it, luckily for me there wasn’t much in it. I walked to my closet and grabbed the box from the upper shelf, all my money was in that box. YES I was smart enough to put my debit card back in the box, fiew I’m saved.

I grabbed my debit card and putted in my bag.

I ran down stairs and made myself ready to leave.

BYE MOM! I screamed. I was still overwhelmed, this was a good day for her I guess. 

Emma and her dad were already waiting for me in the car, I walked over to the car with a big smile.

What’s wrong with you? Emma asked

Nothing. I said and turned to Emma’s dad.

Hi David! I said still smiling brightly.

Hi Lil, everything ok?

Yes, everything is fine.

CAN WE JUST LEAVE? Emma said with her angry face. She knew that if me and David once started talking we could go on for hours. I’m pretty sure that’s because he took over the dad role, that meant so much to him.

After 15 minutes of talking and riding we were at the beach.

The sun was even brighter on the beach, I could hear the seagulls in the car and the water was so blue today. It was a perfect day.

We took or surfboards and started walking to the changing rooms, we putted on our swimsuits.

I was already finished but Emma was taking her time I guess.

“I’m going to bring my stuff to Paul, ok?” Paul was the owner of the beach bar, he was a old man that acted like he was 20. He was the most incredible man I’ve ever met, he was so funny, he lived every day like it was the last (what was possible in his case) and he doesn’t give a f*ck about what other people think. It was a long time since I had seen the man, but I was pretty sure he would remember me. Sometimes I’m just unforgettable.

Hahahahahaha. I started laughing about myself very hard.

“What’s so funny beautiful?” I heard the Australian accent, and I stopped. I couldn’t do a thing I was frozen, you know when you hear something that has a heavy impact on you and you have no idea what to do. So I was still standing there, with no clue to turn around or just keep on walking.

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