"That redneck son of a bitch."

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Several hours later, Daryl found himself sitting on the Greene's porch with his face in his hands. Beth said she'd "Be ready in 5 minutes."- almost 45 minutes ago. She'd also called Jimmy to tell him she'd meet him there, since Daryl had decided he wanted to take his truck. Stupid girl, not like SHE needed to make an effort to look good. For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, the redneck chastised himself. Hopefully he'd get some tail tonight to get it out of his system.

"Okay daddy, yes I know. Okay, okaaay. We'll see you later." Beth's voice carried from the front door. "Let's go, daddy's in father-mode tonight." the blonde murmured without a glance at Daryl.

"Daryl, you take care of my baby girl now, and keep an eye on that creep!" Hershel shouted from the doorway. Daryl chuckled "I'm pretty sure she can handle her own, Hershel!" It wasn't until the young man started the truck, that Beth took a good look at him.

"Well, you sure clean up nice." she said with a smile. "Yeah, you too." Did I SERIOUSLY just say that? Needless to say, Daryl Dixon wasn't very good with charm.

The country bar was about a half hour drive from the farm, and Beth was getting restless. The several attempts at conversation with Daryl had backfired, so you could say she was pretty excited when they reached the country bar.

"My my, Elizabeth Greene. Fancy meeting you here." a high pitched voice greeted as the duo went up the steps. "Is that yer uncle?" the redneck scoffed and walked right past the couple, into the bar. He needed a drink.

"Hey Jimmy, I've missed ya." Beth Greene said, stepping up to give her ex boyfriend a hug. Despite everything they'd gone through, she did miss him. If all went well, tonight would be the first step into their new relationship.

"So Jimmy, how's your momma?" Beth asked taking a seat across from Jimmy in a nearly secluded corner. From the corner of her eye, Beth could see her chaperone at the bar shooting her the same sideways glance.

"She's hanging in there.." Jimmy's mom had a seizure just a month before, which was when Beth had decided to start talking to him again. As they continued to talk, Beth's eyes continued to drift towards Daryl. He seemed fine, there was a guy about 10 years older who looked almost identical to Daryl and a woman about Daryls age hanging on his last word.

"So Beth...are you seeing anyone?" Jimmy's question brought her out of her trance. Even though Beth had missed Jimmy and being in a relationship, she still wanted to take things slow.

"Well no- " "Good, that means we can get back together!" her ex boyfriend's words slurred together. The whole time they'd been talking she'd lost count of the number of drinks he'd had. A drunk Jimmy was not a nice Jimmy.

"Ya know..I really miss waking up next to ya." the drunken young man mumbled, lowering his hand and staring at Beth with half-lidded eyes. Jimmy and her had only done IT about twice. Neither of which Beth had enjoyed, at ALL.

"God, you're already drunk Jimmy." she scolded, gathering the few belongings she'd set out back into her purse. She should've known better than to accept Jimmy's invitation to a bar.

"And high. Hey now, where do you think you're going? Sit with ole Jimmy a bit. For old time's sakes." he said, firmly grasping Beth's wrist and pulling her forcefully so that she was sitting on his lap.

"Jimmy, let go. You're hurting me." the young woman's words only spurred the drunk into holding her there longer.

"Why? You can't wait to go back home and ride with that redneck son of a bitch huh? You slut!" Jimmy's hand had snakes into her hair and pulled it back so far she was straining her neck.

"Hey boy, let her go. She clearly don't want ya." A rough voice came from behind Beth. Before Beth knew what was happening someone had pulled her away and pulled Jimmy up only to push him back on the floor. The strange voice belonged to the man that had been standing with Daryl earlier.

"Stay out of it, Merle." Now Daryl's voice said from her side.

"But baby brother he called. You. A. Redneck. Son. Of. A. Bitch. " with each word Merle Dixon pulled Jimmy up and shoved him back down on the floor, straddling him. The younger man was now passed out cold, unable to defend himself.

"Leave him alone, he wasn't doing anything! We're good now." Beth finally spoke reaching out and giving Merle a gentle push.

"You call hair yankin' and not letting you go, 'nothing'? Fine then, dumb bitch. That's what you get for playing hero, baby brother." the elder Dixon grunted, pushing Beth as he stormed off. Daryl crossed his arms and now turned to face Beth completely.

"Can we go now?" he asked, sparing Jimmy a glance only to make sure he was still breathin'. His tone was even, surprising Beth.

"You're not mad?" she retorted, hands on her hips.

"Nah, seems like you had it under control, I should've stopped Merle from coming over."

"Some chaperone." Beth muttered walking past him, not even bothering to look at Jimmy. Deep down inside he'd deserved it. Had Merle not stepped in Beth could've ended up hurt. Jimmy's actions had affected Beth, she'd been fooled into thinking he'd changed- for her. She should have known he'd pull something like that. The whole evening had been a strange disaster.

The whole ride had been eerily silent with only the occasional grunt from Daryl. He looked like he was thinking something over.

"Are you okay?" Beth finally asked turning to get a look at his reaction. Daryl couldn't help but smirk. That dumb kid almost got hurt- again- and she was asking if he was okay. The Greenes sure were something else.

"Let's get something to eat. Old boy didn't let me enjoy my night out." the 30 year old finally said, driving off to the side of the road into a quaint little diner.


Are your eyes bleeding? I'm sorry okay ajskzkdnejzb ~J♥

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