"I'm done."

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"Look baby brother, its plain and simple. You steal somethin shiny, we pawn it and we're out of this damn town." Daryl was barely registering the voice on the other line of his phone. Merle was suggesting he steal from the one man he'd ever even come close to respecting in his life.

"What do ya need the money for Merle? How much do ya owe this time? " It seemed so easy for Merle to just get up and move when things got tough. He was always running from his problems (and debts) and Daryl was fed up with it. This was the longest the two brothers had ever stayed in a town and Daryl had almost completely settled in with Hershel Greene and his family, he nearly thought of that farm as his home.

Merle let out an exasperated breath "2 grand. I owe'em 2 grand." That did it for Daryl. It was always his brother's damn drug use that got them into these situations and he was tired of being left to pick up the pieces.

"Damnit Merle, the hell's wrong with ya!? Blood aside, you're one dumb fuck if you think I'm helpin you out this time. I'm done." With that, Daryl hung up on the one person in his life that had ever come close to loving him (in a weird, twisted way). Guilt quickly settled in, and Daryl was so close to picking up his phone again, but someone started knocking on his door. 'Must be a sign from the universe' he thought to himself.

"Lunch is ready." an overly cheerful Beth Greene announced. Daryl gave her a grunt in response and started walking to the kitchen, still going over his argument with Merle.

"Everything alright?" the sweet blonde called from the dining room. Another grunt was given in response.

"Sorry dear, I don't speak caveman."

Beth's smart reply made Daryl whip his head to her. This twig of a girl was sassing him.

"Eveything is fine, you meddlin' kid." he said serving himself some spaghetti and taking a seat at the table.

"Doesn't seem fine." Daryl's glare was usually enough to shut someone up, but the girl just continued to smile at him innocently.

"Didn't your daddy teach you any manners?"

"He did, but he also taught me to lend an ear to people who need someone to listen to them."

"I didn't ask for your ear. Now leave me be, it's personal family issues."

"Well, i'm always hear if ya do." she claimed, getting up and putting away her dishes and the leftovers. Daryl stared at her back for a long time, wondering when the hell someone like Beth Greene had become his 'friend'.


Later that night, Daryl found himself at Gibb's Pub, the local bar with a drink in his hand and a busty blonde at his side trying to get him to pay for "a special dance". All day he'd worked around the farm, repeating his argument with Merle again and again. Before he wouldn't have even thought of helping him, he would've done it that same second- not caring about the consequences, but this time it was very different. He'd finally started to form a place he could call home, hell, he'd even made some friends. He didn't want to run anymore. His mood had been so shaken, Hershel had noticed and sent him away on some time off so he could "relax".

"Come on babe, let's get out of here."

the blonde- Rita or Rosie, whatever it was- purred at his ear.

"Let me drink a bit more, and I'll see if I'm up to it." Daryl answered giving his arm a shake to get her off his arm. He just wanted to forget.


Daryl had lost the count of beers he'd had so far, so much that Rita was starting to look kind of hot from behind.

"Alright babe, let's go." he said, tugging at the back of who he thought was Rita's shirt.

"Excuse me?" Nope, not Rita.

"Did you just fucking touch my girlfriend?" a male voice was all Daryl could distinguish as he was pulled by his collar and pushed back. Everything was starting to get blurry, voices started sounding from farther and farther away.

"Sorry- I" Daryl's words slurred together and then a fist connected with his face. 


// Guess who's back? back again! ah yes I'm lame I'm sorry but WELL? Are your eyes still in place? p.s yes im sorry bethyl is starting off slow but heh someone's gonna have to fix daryl's cuts and what not ;) ;) ;) If ya know what I mean ;) ;) ;) yes okay comment por favor, all criticism is greatly appreciated -J♡

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