Season 5 - chapter 1

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Disclaimer- i dooo not own The Vampire Diaries !! I own Emma , Jax and any other characters i decide to make up iggg. Starts off Season 5. Book 3 !
Basically the whole summer Jax and I have been just fuckin' around.

Not actually.

But we've became hella close.

Like I can't hide anything from him. I can basically tell him anything. And i mean anything.

Anyway we've bonded and stuff.

We actually spent most time in Chicago.

Oh and then there was this crazy 2 day trip to Las Vegas.

I got married to this dude named Jose at a wedding chaple off of Freeway 78.

It was like 4 a.m but what's the big deal. 

Jax and i still laugh our asses off.

After Stefan basically, like ditched me I haven't really cared much for any type of love.

Like any.

Jax and I? You might ask.

No no we're strictly friends.

More than that, like he's my bestfriend.

Also my soulmate.

In a friend sibling type of thing, i dunno we just go great together.

Even if we aren't dating!

Yeah I think about Stefan like a lot. First nights I actually cried for days. I mean how could someone tell you they love you and poof. Yes he told me he loved me and Disappeared.

It don't make sense to me, at all.

Oh Elena, she's been having sex with Damon the whole summer. Lucky her.

Katherine oh her. I hope she's having fun with her human self.

What am I doing right now?

I'm taking a bath in Jax's new house that he got.

Honestly it's amazing.

But i really don't get why he got it if we're not even going to be here.

We're going off to college.
That's right you heard me.

Jax and I got a dorm room right next to Elena's and Caroline's.

Sounds weird Jax and I living together but not actually.

It's gonna be weird that Bonnie isn't joining us, Caroline agrees. It's just going to be Elena, her and me. Oh can't forget Jax now. But yeah it'll be weird.

Speaking of Bonnie I'm reading a letter she sent me. Not a letter actually a text. Who even sends letters?

"P.s have you heard from Stefan?" I read in my mind.

I look up and sigh.

"What's up babyface?" Jax asks comine in to wash his hands.

No it isn't weird that i'm in a bath with loads of bubbles and he just walks in.

I sigh.

"I just got a bad feeling about Stefan." I say.

"Ah fuck him." Jax says and looks at me through the mirror.

"That's the point, I wanted to but i never got to." I laugh as does he.

"If he cared he would have called." Jax says turning around.

Everything's changed (Pt3) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora