Chapter 3

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ahhhh so so so so sorry !!! I was moving and stuff but ya 😭😭 I'll update more now maybe - hopefully
Unknown POV
As I walk through the bar I see a girl cleaning up the table.

"Last call was 4 hours ago." She says eyeing me.

"I can make you some coffee if you'd like." She says seeing my face.

I growl.

Then I lunge at her biting into her.

She screams.

"Run! Run!" I order and she runs.

I slowly zombie like walk out of the diner.

Once I'm outside I see the sun start to come up.

I breath out.

Then my face starts to sizzle.

Once my whole body aches I look to my hand to see no ring.
Emma's POV
I gasp shooting up from the cheap hotel bed I'm in.

It was the only place to go okay.

I don't have a house since we like burned that shit down, and college Elena and I left for Stefan, and the Salvatore residence will not be an option for me.

No thanks. I do not want to room there.

I look to my side and see a text from Jax.

"You better not be sleeping in no cheap hotel room, just because I'm not there doesn't mean you can't use the house I bought. Me casa es tu casa." I read.

I type back, "Thanks Jax and who said I was sleeping in a hotel? Ew never."

Okay I lied yes but no harm no foul.

Back to my dream.


I wonder how he's doing.

"Where's this magical bar, a red awning and a broken neon." I ask myself.

"Route 29, Joe's bar." I hear a voice say.

I zoom up and open the blinds for light.


I eye her.

"I think I just had the same exact dream." She says.

My cell phone rings.


I answer it.

Before she speaks I go ahead, "Hey did you have a dream, about Stefan? At this bar screaming in pain?" I eye Katherine.

"How'd you know?" Elena asks through the phone.

"Because so did I, and so did Katherine." I say.
Katherine and I meet Elena and Damon at the Salvatore residence.

"Don't you like hate me?" I ask as we get out of the car.

"Hate wouldn't even start to describe the feeling I've got for you." She says.

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