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 Imagine: Betty being the one to bring Archie out of his slump after his father's hospitalization

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Imagine: Betty being the one to bring Archie out of his slump after his father's hospitalization

Word Count: 2042

"I'm worried about him, B. He's not the same Archie that we knew before the incident; he's different, darker, maybe." Veronica admitted, her hands shaking in worry.

"Darker, you sure? Because I know dark, Veronica, but I don't think Archie does."

"Well, maybe not darker," Veronica reasoned with Betty. "He's just empty; you can see it in his eyes. He's crushed."

"Don't worry, about it, V. It'll pass and he will live through it, coming out better and stronger. He's Archie; he can handle it." Betty reassured, but she herself worried about the redhead.

Veronica nodded, "you're right, B. I'm just not giving him enough credit," she sighed. "But do me a favor?"

"Sure, Veronica. Anything."

"Check up on him. I have, but you're his best friend since, like, birth. Maybe you can get a smile out of him in a way that I can't. Because believe me I've tried everything, and I do mean everything."

Betty cringed, "oh, please, no pictures in my head, but of course. I will go see Archie."

Betty had a soft smile on her face as she walked up onto the porch of the Andrews' house, thinking of all the unforgettable memories made with her best friend, Archie.

She sighed as she reminisced, knocking on the door, awaiting Archie's arrival to the front door. She anxiously tapped her foot as the seconds went by without an answer. Betty huffed, knocking again, before pulling out her cell phone to text him.

"Arch, please open the door. I wanna see you!!" She wrote, hitting send.

"Not now, Betty!" Archie yelled out the window. Betty shook her head, giggling at the sound of drowsy Archie's voice as she got off the porches and turned the corner, but as she looked up to face him, the laughter stopped.

He looked awful, just as Veronica had said. His eyes were red and puffy, with dark purple circles beneath them; while, his hair was tangled and moving in all different directions. Worst of all, the corner's of Archie's mouth fell down in the the most pathetic, heartbreaking frown Betty ever saw.

She shook her head, closing her eyes, in hopes to replaced her shocked face with a false-happy look.

"Archie, let me in. We'll talk, okay? Or not talk, if that's what you want." She called up to him.

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