The Lovelorn Romantic p.3-Easily Forgotten antics- Read. Respond. Watch. Vote. See.

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Title: The Lovelorn Romantic

Part:3-Easily Forgotten antics..

Music: Is here for a reason..

Pictures: Were caught to capture..

Comment: You know how they make you feel...

There I was watching her, sleeping. Even while doing that there was something utterly beautiful about her snoring, and I think I would still like her. No matter what. So me and the staff of this establishment agreed that while she was here to stay-hopefully forever-I would be just another guest and not the owner, of this hotel.

Suddenly she stirred awake and I backed into the curtains hiding away from her. My heart pounding at getting I banged my head onto the concrete wall it brought me into a flash back. I obviously tried to forget, but didn't succeed. The first thing I saw was this bedroom, only it was midnight outside. The room was dark as I saw someone coming in quietly...Sneaking...

Wait was that me a year ago? Even then I could see I was dashingly handsome..I wonder who I was sneaking to see...And why? Then I could tell it was Azula sleeping in the bedroom. Which I only reserved for my favorites...I wonder why I don't remember this memory? As my past self creeped into the bed I noticed her flinch away from my past self's touch...Then I remembered why I tried to forget this...

" Hello darling...are you ready for a "little" fun." My past self whispered to her...But she ignored me. Even then..,

"Honey are you awake..?"

I gently shook her but still she acted as if I wasn't there...Which given as I was drunk wasn't a good combination for my temperamental mood.

"Listen to me, you're my girl which makes you my whore! And mine, because you live here! Now pay attention to me." I raised my voice. Even now I was ashamed for what was about to take place...

"Get away from me." She whispered to me calmly.

"Never! Your Mine!" I roared as I tucked on her hair...hard. I could feel her wince in pain and yet she acted as if what I was doing to her wasn't wrong... At all.

"I don't love you, this is wrong." She pulled away from my grasp getting off of the bed and moving closer to the door...That just sent my past self off.

"Where do you think your going. Don't make me laugh, you want to leave? You have nothing without me...I made you who are you...and I will ruin you, so no man will ever love you."

"Really, you really think your that powerful...Guess what? Your not! You've built this place to imprison everyone and it's a big façade of how lonely you really are...You've got no one fooled. Not even yourself... This place might be filled with people and they might love you. But its all a lie just so you can't face the fact that your always going to be alone. And that scares you, doesn't it? To truly be with yourself and in your own company."

She said with venom in her voice.

"Shut up! You don't know a god damn thing about me!"

I screamed at her pushing her into the wall.

"Don't I, I know why I am here, its to pretend right? That what you feel towards me is love. What a joke your nothing. A nobody. that's what you'll always be...That's why even they left you. Your mother and father, they didn't want you. Who would..." My past self's blood boiled at the mention of them, my parents...As I was face to face with her...I could tell what would happen next...And I didn't want it too.

She smiled at me like a victor and I sneered back..

"Your going to live here for the rest of your life you harlot."

"I don't care I might live here, but inside here."

She pointed to her heart...

"I am free and just know this Prince Charming. Your broken damanged goods that no one wants, no matter how much they all say they love you...your just another rich idiot who thinks they can buy emotions from people and feel compassion."

She looked at me and I felt it, the anger that pinned up rage inside. It was like a mirror effect, just repeating facts I already knew but didn't care to mention. Then she smiled and slowly turned the knob before I could slap her self reassuring face..And regret it...Instead I took my anger out on anything I could get my hands on. The wall, the furniture, the windows, the clothes. Anything I could break as much as I felt inside at the time...She was unbearable and yet I would even after that episode keep going back to her...Soon in the morning of that day.

My body guard picked me up and I had to stay in the hospital for one month because of all the damages I sustained. It wasn't pretty but I can't help but say it was worth it...She knew me better than all the other girls and I wanted her so bad I would hurt everyone else and myself for her. Resistance, that was the day I finally knew that she would be mine and no one else's...

As I come to the present, I could see Ebony putting on the special outfit I laid out for her. It was a pretty sundress, with matching slippers. I smiled at myself, because she and I both knew she looked marvelous. I didn't want to seem weird, so it was a good thing I wore this servers outfit...And the room service was at the door...thank god.

"Good Morning Miss Fate...I am here to bring your breakfast."

She didn't seem to notice where she was as she laid on the canopy bed. Not even the fact that I was behind the curtains, like some stalking pervert.

"Oh, thank you...wait do I know you from somewhere?"

"I do not think so for I am just a server at this hotel."

"Oh, really what's this place called, I don't remember making a room here nor unpacking anything."

I find her original hotel and brought her things here while she was sleeping but I had to keep up with the charade.

"Your staying at the Romantics. A 5 star hotel..."

"Wow sounds as fancy as that meal you got there..."

She smiled at me, and I felt at that moment I knew I could like her and love her soon enough. As she ate away really enjoying the meal, I let myself go from her room. Seeing my body guard waiting outside, I grinned at him. Knowing that this was going to work better than I thought. As I removed the hideous attire and he put it away in my room...I had to ask...

"Did you find Azula's location or where she is?"

"Not yet, but we are getting close..."

"Look Jericho, no matter what, we both want your sister back here with us, because we are"

"Yes sir I will look for her right away, now you must get your rest for the ball tonight. I am sure you don't want to be tired when Ebony dances with you..."

"Your quite right Jerciho, but remember Azula is our top concern. Ebony comes second, now good day to you...and good night."

I said with a yawn and shut the door. Families are forever, but loves undeniable. I grinned to myself. Not knowing I had a poetic side...Interesting...

Okay this was the end of part 3 of the The LoveLorn Romantic! Whatcha think>>YOU STILL HATE HIM?>>WHAT ABOUT THE BIG Reveal WITH AZUAL AND Jericho?? Also did you like the music and pictures?>>Well bye till part 4! Once again thanks to my Lovely Editor!

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