The Lovelorn Romantic-The Master Monster Reaps..4 grandpa!-Read.Respond.Vote.Watch.See.

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Title: The Lovelorn Romantic

Chapter:4-The Master Monster Reaps...

Musical: Its enchanting isn't it?

Pictures: Is history in a flash!

Comments: Are words meant from thoughts..

Azula's P.O.V.

There I was sitting calmly, finally free from the horrific world that was warped. I could breathe and finally be alone. Enough to think...I missed him so much. I wonder how he felt being there. I should have told him to come with me. Even if he wouldn't because of his loyalty to that beast of a man...Was I never to be freed from his clutches? He is truly the god of his world, but not mine. He could never be in mine. I cannot love him. He has destroyed too much in my world. He has broken things and left them damaged and ruined carelessly. I will never be matter what...

Jericho's P.O.V.

This wasn't right. I missed her dearly but I could not and would not get her. For him, I knew what he did to her...How he treats her. I didn't want to help him...Anymore. No matter how he proclaims, family comes first before the Girls.

As I watched them getting ready for his world famous ball, I caught sight of something moreover someone lurking the halls. With pink hair and Like the good body guard I am, I had to see what was going on with her. Soon I started stalking her like a shadow hidden well enough, till she stopped dodging and halted. Then spoken quickly with an almost childlike whisper...

"Why are you following me?"

Ebony inquired...And I was shocked. But only for seconds before an immediate response... Came out...

"Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for the ball?"

She turns around smiling at me, while walking towards me very seductively.

"How did you know I wasn't going to my room?"


She cuts me off...

"Because you've been watching me. And I know this isn't a hotel, I was awake on the whole ride here. The only thing I don't know is who you are, or for the matter that server who seems pretty ominous as well..."

I am bluffed by her. As she reads my name tag that I am forced to wear for this charade...

"Look Jericho is it? I may look innocently naïve to the things around me and a little dumb, but I want you to know I am not, and I will be watching you. Very closely..."

"Do whatever you like, I am just a server to the Madame..."

"Well then if that's so, I want you to be my exclusive server then. Got it..."

"Of course, what ever the customer wants I shall help them."

"Well if that's so, me and you should get to know each other."

"Um Okay then..." I grin and bear it, but I can tell this girl is a little deviant. I wonder why he picked her...I guess I will find out.

"Good bye Jericho. This was nice, talking to you. Hopefully we can do more on the dance floor?"

"Yea, hopefully..."

I whisper to her and suddenly, I was terrified of this little ball. Master wouldn't like me even talking to her, let alone dancing. As she goes down a corridor, Master turns and see's me. While I muttered to myself...

"Holy Shit..."

"Good Morning Jericho, so do you have anymore information on Azula?"

He grins at me and I can't help but want to slap him. For what he has done to me and her. He has brought hell and back again...For us both. Even as a twin. I cannot believe I have brought her into this world...I am truly ashamed for it. I hope she forgives me.

The LoveLorn's Romantic-If you've loved then you are love.-Comment.Watch.Listen. Read. Vote.- For Where stories live. Discover now