Day 1.

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April's P.O.V

Nope. Not today. I can honestly not even bother getting out of bed, is all I can think after I hear my mums call. But, being the good daughter I am, I manage to roll out of bed and make my way to my bathroom.

Before stripping out of my pyjamas, I take a look in the mirror, flinching in horror as I look at the mess I call my hair. The long, brown, messy waves or curls as you might be able to call them, were everywhere. But ignoring my bed hear I turn the shower on, letting the steam fill the bathroom before deciding to get in.

After washing my hair to try make it look a bit descent, I finally decide I should probably get out and get ready for school. I wrap my hair in a towel and one around my body, then walk out into my room to get my uniform. As I walk into my cupboard, I straight away walk back out to see the figure who is now lying in my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask the figure.

"Well mum woke me up early so I would be ready for school on time for once, so I decide to come and pick you up early as well."

The figure now sitting up in my bed so I could see him properly. his tattooed arms showing from his school uniform, his blonde hair up in its usual quiff and his piercing blue eyes starring at me, while his pierced lips forms a smirk.

"But seeing you look as if your ready for something else, I guess we could be late anyways."

"Luke, first of all you need to learn better pick up lines and secondly can you please tell my mother that I don't want breakfast so I can change?" is my answer to him. "fine, fine I'm going." he says getting up off my bed and making his way to the door. "your such a good friend Lukey." I coo at him for doing as I say. Suddenly he stops walking and turns to me, and looks me dead straight in the eyes, "correction. I am such a good best friend." he says before cracking a smile and walking out the door. "Take your time getting ready, I'm hungry anyways!" he calls out as he makes his way down the stairs to the kitchen.

And that is luke hemmings everybody.

I pick my uniform out from my cupboard and lay it on my bed before getting dressed. I stop and look at my wall with all my photos on there and spot the one I was looking for, a picture of me and luke when I was 2 and he was 3 sitting at the park. Our families have been friends for so many years now that they are practically family, I turn back to my school dress now and decide it's time to actually get ready.

Once I'm dressed, I take my hair out of the towel and let it dry by itself, not even brushing it cause as soon as I do it will turn into a poof ball. I then apply my make up - foundation, powder and mascara, then taking one last look in the mirror I grab my school shoes and make my way down the stairs.

"Wow April you truly look... like you just woke up." luke says to me as he scoffs his face with coco pops. "ha ha you get funnier and funnier. Morning mum." "morning April, now you to better get going before your late, and luke, please try and attend the whole day, yeah?" she says joking around with luke. "Well Tanya I will try my hardest just for you." he says getting up off the stool and giving my mum a hug before walking out the door. "THANKS FOR BREAKFAST!" he yells out from outside the house, both me and mum laugh and role our eyes. "bye mum" i say then make my way to Luke's car.

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