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"April you nee-" "What? I need to listen to you? I need to give you a third chance?" I wasn't going to stand hear and listen to what he had to say.

"No, you need to not interrupt and listen to my apology actually." Even when in an argument trying to be serious he sounds so sarcastic and it makes me want to slap him in the face. He makes me so mad and I am completely over it. So many years of the same things and the same attitude that I have dealt with and what became my normal and now I can't do it any more.

"You know what Luke," at this point I couldn't hold in the tears. "You ruined it Luke. I'm not your baby sitter or you mum having to be there to tell you and watch you when it comes to drugs. You know what happened last time and yet you don't give two fucks about anyone other then yourself. It's always been like that, always been about 'bad boy Luke Hemmings' and I'm the one who has always been there for you, through thick and thin, always the one who gets slapped in the face with everything that goes wrong, every time you stuff up, but now I am not doing it anymore Luke, so if you don't mind I'm going to miss my flight." He doesn't say anything to me, just stands there looking at me like I'm some big idiot and I feel like it as well.

"Goodbye Luke." I turn away from him and walk towards my mum to say my final goodbyes to her, Tori and Ashton.

Goodbyes are always sad, they always seem to hurt, especially when you don't want to go and leave the people you love most behind.

Walking towards the gate for my flight, as I'm about to walk through, I do one of those cliche moments from the movies when you turn and look at your family and friends crying and waving, which makes me start crying again, then I look for the person I want to see most at this moment and there he is, standing alone with his hood on his head looking straight at me, before giving me one more look, than putting his head down and turning away.

Taking my seat on the plane, I decide to message my dad and thank him for his appearance to say goodbye to me after it was his choice to ship me off. But to my surprise I already have a message from him.

To: April
From: Dad

April, I want you to realise that what you are doing is the best choice for you to sought your life out properly. who knows in a few months time you might be ready to come back as a proper intelligent young lady. You and your sister will hopefully become so close once you get back and you can realise how great she really is. Someone will be at the airport to pick you up and take you to your room.

Aw how heartfelt is he? So kind and caring. I decide to turn my phone off and save the charge for as long as I possibly can throughout the flight.

After take off I managed to fall to sleep a few hours into the flight, after thinking over and over about how my life was going to end up now. A whole different country a whole different life.

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