Those in Masks

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Summary: The reader and Spider-Man encounter each other during their late night rounds of the city.

Word Count: 1310

Warnings: Violence maybe? Nothing too rough, there's no blood or killing or anything like that.

Author's Note: I thought this would be a pretty cute chapter. It's a nice mix of action with a little bit of fluff :)

Requested: Nope.


You looked over to Spider-Man, his crouched form balanced on the ledge of the building. He was looking across the city, listening intently for any sign of danger. His red and blue suit was almost black in the dark.

Your suit blended in the darkness.

You allowed yourself an overwhelming sense of confidence at being able to sneak up on the famous vigilante before you cleared your throat to grab his attention. He was standing in an instant, his form tense and ready to attack.

"So the famous Spider-Man can still be snuck up on, that gives me some reassurance that I might be as good as you," you teased. You stepped from the shadow of a building and observed his suit. "Tony Stark help you out?"

His voice was firm when he said, "Cut the crap. What do you want?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, crossing your arms and rolling onto the heels of your feet. "Why do you assume I want something from you?"

He paused then, cocking his head before continuing, "Everyone either wants something from me or wants a piece of me." He hadn't let his guard down, he was still cautious about the stranger in front of him. "Especially those in masks."

You knew he was sizing you up and evaluating you, taking in the large black hood and a black mouth mask. Your piercing (E/C) eyes were still exposed, glittering at him with... was that humor?

You uncrossed your arms. "Alright fine. Maybe all I want from you is a conversation, is that alright?"

"Um... sure."

Oh, he was definitely thrown off guard. You walked past him to the ledge of the building before sitting and gracefully swinging your legs over the edge. You closed your eyes and breathed in the crisp night air, winter was going to be brutal that year.

Wordlessly the Spider-Man sat next to you, body still tense. Man, he was ready for anything. You turned to look at him and saw that he was watching you.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I only hurt people if they're hurting other people."

He nodded, you knew he would understand that part. A comfortable silence fell over the both you, still listening for a siren or a scream. You sighed and closed your eyes, content with the feeling of freedom you got when you put on the mask.

It wasn't that you had lived an awful life. In fact, your family was pretty average, if you excused the fact that they were upper class. You took a gymnastics class every Wednesday and Tae Kwon Do every Saturday, your younger brother taking more studious lessons.

That was until some psychopath decided he wanted more money, and kidnapped your brother for a ransom of several thousands of dollars. Your family paid, but he demanded more and your family couldn't afford it.

That's when gymnastics and Tae Kwon Do finally paid off. All you had to do was get a hood, cover the lower half of your face, adopt a new name, and your brother was saved. Saving your brother had a strange effect on you, though.

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