And the Waltz Goes On (part 1)

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Summary: Reader goes on a mission with Peter where they go undercover at a masquerade party, where they try to extract information from a crime boss.

Word Count: 3088

Warnings: Violence

Author's Note: Up above is André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra performing "And the Waltz Goes On" composed by Sir Anthony Hopkins. I'll give a suggestion on when you should start listening to this, but of course, you don't have to listen to it exactly when I say.


It was a simple mission with Peter. The two of you were to attend the masquerade party hosted by the prestigious Carrie Brooks, sneak into her office on the second floor, extract information onto a flash-drive, and get out of there.

But of course, he had to be your "date." To make it more believable, Tony had said. Yeah, right. You couldn't hate the old man, though. He had bought you a gorgeous gown. An off the shoulder, cream colored, pearl adorned gown. Matching mask included.

Over the top, as per usual. It even had hidden pockets for small daggers and knives, the corset was reinforced steel, and surprisingly, it was easy to move in. Testing a high kick, you widened your eyes at how smoothly you could execute it.

"I need to find whoever made this dress," you said to yourself. Adjusting your dress in the mirror, you looked over yourself once again. Heels, check. Mask in hand, check. Knives, check.

You supposed you were ready, then. Sighing, you left your room, entering the living room of the Avengers headquarters. Tony stood as you entered, taking in your fancy apparel. A grin appeared on his face as he said, "You'll be the most stunning girl at that party, darling."

You gave a small laugh, waving off his antics.

He gave you a pointed look. "No, seriously. You might give poor Peter a heart attack if he sees you like this."

You returned his look with a playful smile. "I'm that beautiful? Well, we all knew that didn't we?" Tony rolled his eyes. "Maybe the dress is too distracting, should I change?" you joked.

He shook his head, his grin coming back. "Nuh-uh, honey. I paid good money for that dress and jewelry, you'll be wearing it."

You sat down, your hands folding in your lap as you sighed, "I guess." You looked towards the ceiling, batting your eyelashes dramatically. Though you would never admit it, you did hope Peter would like your outfit.

Tony had hired a makeup artist to add that extra bit of flair, and you had to admit, you looked beautiful. She had covered up a bit of acne and made your skin look flawless, your lashes were curled, and the lip color she chose pulled everything together perfectly.

Tony had definitely thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a "pre-date." That meddling man.

At the sound of the elevator door opening, you and Tony turned to see Steve fixing Peter's bowtie. He patted Peter's chest when he was finished, and they both entered the room.

You stood to greet them, your heart racing as you took in Peter's sharp suit, the black eye mask in his hand, and the way he nervously gulped when he caught sight of you.

Tony went to Peter, grabbing his shoulder and flourishing a hand at you. "Isn't she the most beautiful girl you've ever seen, Parker?"

Peter blushed, looking down before his brown eyes met yours. "Y-Yeah."

You blushed. Steve grinned at the two of you blushing like fools. He knew that Peter had liked you and he knew that you returned the feelings. Both him and Tony were definitely trying to hook the two of you up.

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