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Mikey's POV
As me and my brothers were coming back from patrol, we came back all tired after fighting with Purple Dragons as well as the Foot. "..huh..I think we should all get to bed," yawned Leo and none of us argued, not even Raph. Once I got to my room I just crashed onto my bed and let the darkness take me.

When I woke up I notice how early it was and I wasn't even sleepy anymore "Wow it's pretty early....maybe the guys are already up?" Saying to myself as I headed to the kitchen. When I got there I realize no one was up, not even Master Splinter. "Huh that's weird, they must have been really tired my bros," I think to myself as I start to make breakfast. As an hour pasted I went to check on my father and saw a note on the door "Forgive me my sons I have gone to visit my friend."

Then, I went to Leo's room "Hey Leo are you up bro?" I say as I walk into his room. When I look at him his eyes are puffy, he is shivering, and sneezing.....poor guy. "Hey bro are you ok? What happened?" I ask even though I kinda have any idea what happened. "I think I'm sick I just woke up sneezing and feeling cool" he says as he shudders. "Hold on bro let go get Donnie." As I run to his room I am surprised what I find, Donnie is coughing and sneezing.....oh no.... "Don what's wrong you look green...then usual...." I joke. " I guess I got sick from *achoo* patrol last night," "I'll say....don't worry I will help you feel better!" I say enthusiastically. "That's sweet Mikey but *achoo* I think it would be better if you got Master Splinter or *achoo* Leo to help, no offense" ...geez none taken bro.... "....uh... well I can't do that dude because Splinter is actually away right now and Leo...well...." should I tell him? "Is what?" Mumbled Donnie. "He's...also sick" "What?" Donnie say while coughing "Calm down remember your sick" "What about Raph?" "That's actually a good question I haven't even check on Raphie" maybe he could help me "One sec bro I'll be back."

As I walk to Raph's door and open it I don't see him in there. "Great where is" my thought is interrupted by a door closing. I can hear coughing and vomiting? as I get near the bathroom door or maybe he can't help me. " Raph, dude you ok in there?" "Not now *cough* Mikey!" I find the door unlocked so I open it. "Wow you look horrible," I say as I look at his sweaty face. "Mikey seriously I'm not in the mood for your games," he briefs heavily. I help him up and take him back to his room "Come on bro let's get you back into bed, I will go get you a wet cloth" I say as I run to the kitchen when I return he mumbles a thank you. "I also brought a thermometer, open up." he groans "Come on Raphie please" he lingers at first but then obliged. "Wow 104 I'm no doctor but that's bad" "Speaking of doctors where's Don?" He ask...oh shell.... "...uh..well doctor Donnie is now patient Donnie because he's also sick." "What?!?" "Calm down Raph I got this" "Maybe you should......*cough* ask fearless for help or Masta Splinter for help" "Can't do that br" "Why the shell not?" He ask interrupting me. "Well Splinter's out of town at the moment and Leo he's uh sick too." Whispering the last part.

"Mikey it's fine I can take care of myself " " No you can't Raph!" I yelled he looked surprised. "Sorry bro, but you can't your temperature is too high and you can't even walk on your own to feet." "Ya but" "No buts I can handle taking care of you, now I'm going to get you something to eat and medicine I'll be right back." As I was about to walk out he called "Who's going to take care of Don and Leo?" "Me!" I say proudly and walk out before he says more.

When I go to the kitchen I catch some turtle out of their bed. "Leo what are you doing up?" "....*achoo*.....I got thirsty..." he says embarrassingly. "Well you should have waited for me" "that's what I wanted to ask you about where did you go? Where's everyone else?" He questions. "Well master Splinter is out of tow" "I know that *cough* he told me yesterday morning" why didn't he tell the rest of us? "He didn't want you guys to worry" Leo said probably looking at my face. "Ok and as for Don and Raph......uh they....might also be sick" I say looking around the room. "What them too?" "Ya but don't worry I'm here to help you guys feel better" "..maybe I should help you Mikey" "No bro your the one sick I will watch you guys" " are you sure, I mean you have to watch all three *achoo* us isn't that too much for you" "Nothing is too much for the Mikester!" I say playfully. "But" "Don't worry so much Leo I got this now back to bed with you, come on" I say as I lead him to his room. "But" "Relax dude and I'll be back with your water."

After finally getting Leo to chill I started making chicken soup for my big bros. I know it's going to be a long day, but I got this! I mean, every time I got sick they took care of me, now it's my turn to take care of them. Besides how hard can it be? "Oh no my soup!!!" I say as I save my soup at the last minute uh come Mikey! FOCUS you got this!

Mikey's DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora