Your Welcome.

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As they walk into my room Donnie was the first to speak. "Hey Mikey are you feel ok? Raph thinks your sick." "What? Really?" Maybe I am sick. "Well what else bonehead your all pale and sweaty." That may have sounded like an insult, but Raph spoke softy and sweet? Wow I must be really sick. "Guys Sensei is wonder- whoa Mikey are you ok?" Leo asked as he entered. "Uh I think I got sick,*cough* but I don't know how dudes." I say confused. "You probably got sick from last night's patrol." Donnie concurred. What? But, I was feeling fine when I woke up and "You guys aren't feeling sick?" I asked. "No, I'm feeling fine." Donnie told me. "What about you guys?" I say look at Leo and Raph. "Nope." Raph grunted. "Just you buddy." Leo said while patting my head. I sighed. "I guess I'll tell Master Splinter your sick." As Leo walked out. "Let go get you a wet cloth." Donnie said walking out.

Then, it was just me and Raph "Why did you ask if we got sick?" He asked after awhile. "Well it's cause I had a dream I guess, where you guys were the ones that were sick and I took care of you guys and.....never mind I guess it never really happened. I shouldn't be surprised guys rarely get and at the same time.......basically impossible." I sighed, Man I can't believe it was just a dream. Raph was about to say something until Don came back in. "Here you go, now I suggest that you take a nap Mikey it will make you feel better. Then, later one of us will wake you up so you can eat." "Yes Doctor Donnie" I said quietly, but still trying to be funny. Don left the room and so did Raph. "Great! I don't even think I'm going to be able to fall asleep." Whispering to myself.

Every once in awhile my eyes would open and close while I tried to sleep. Then, a little later I hear my door opening so I close me eyes quickly. I feel someone shaking me a little "Come baby bro it's time to get up." "Leo?" As I open my eyes I see my katana swing brother smiling softly at me. "I'm glad your up," he said while hugging me. "Did you sleep good?" Does he know? "...uh ya.." "Tell me the truth Mikey." Yep he knows. "Ok maybe I didn't get the best sleep, but with a little I might feel better." Trying to change subject. "Ok if that's what you want," he said standing up. Good it worked. "But after you are going to take a proper nap." He said while kissing my forehead. Great. As he opened the door he turned back and softly smiled "By the way thank you baby brother." Then he walked out. Thank you? For what?

A few minutes later I was expecting Leo to come in, but instead saw a purple-masked turtle holding chicken soup. "Hello Mikey." Don said smiling. " *cough* hey.." "I got some to help you recover faster." "Thanks." I say as I reach for the bowl, but Don starts pushing my hands away and tells me to open my mouth. At first I'm a bit wary but nevertheless listen to him. After he is done feeding me he ask how I feel and if I need anything while resting his hand on my shoulder.       " I feel fine,  maybe just a little tired but that's all." "Ok baby brother ." Then he gets me comfy and pushes me down to sleep. After that he kisses my forehead, tells me to sleep well, and one more thing that doesn't make sense. "Thank you, baby brother." Donnie then walks out leaving me in my own thoughts wondering why him and Leo both thank me. What did I do for them to thank me?

As minutes passed I felt like I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep even after what my brothers did for. Because, I'm still thinking why they thanked me when I should be the one thanking them for taking care of me every time I get sick. " huh I just don't get it." "Get what, Mikey?" I jumped as I saw Raph walked in. He muttered a sorry. "It's ok dude, but what are you doing here?" "...I came to check up on ya..." he said quietly. "Oh um I'm fine." "No your not." "What?" I said as Raph came up to lay next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me. "Tell me what's wrong." Should I tell him or just "Come on baby bro, I know there is something bugging ya." Well he knows. "It's just this dream I had that I thought it was real. But I guess not..." "What happen?" " my dream it was you, Leo, and Donnie, who were sick not me. I was doing a good job taking care of you guys. I felt like I wasn't a screw up in that dream." "Mikey I want you to look at me and listen me and the guys do not think you are a screw up ya here me. Even if your Dream really did happen I bet you would have done a great job taking care of us so....thank you....." Thank you? "Wait! Why did Leo and Donnie also tell me thank you?" "I guess you don't remember do you?" Remember what? What was I supposed to remember? "Last night on patrol when you distracted the Krang as we got free." Wait what?.....oh! Now I remember. "Ya you guys were getting corned so I thought maybe I could distract the Krang." "See you thought of that all on your own and didn't screw up so thanks." He said tightening his grip on me then slowly loosening it. "Your welcome bro." Your welcome bros....and like I let darkness take me again.

No one's POV
Raph looked at his little brother as he was sleeping with a little smile on his face. Then he kissed his brother's head, whispered a good night, and walked out of his room. "So did he finally fall asleep?" Asked Leo. "Ya he did." Whispered Raph back. "That's good he needs all the sleep he can get, poor guy must be very tired." Said Don as he walked up to them. So the three brothers went on with their day waiting whenever Mikey would wake up to be there for him, taking care of him. Mikey was happily knowing he actually was able to save his brothers and if they were ever sick he would be able to take care of them. Because Mikey really did care about his brothers and knows that they care about him as well.

*Author's Note* Hope you guys enjoyed my first fan fiction. I know that it wasn't that great, but just know I will try to work hard and get better at this. Thank you for reading.

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