To her crush

744 13 4

Dramatic...- hey therrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Crush- uh, hi. whats wit all the r's?

Dramatic...- idk what ur talking about

Crush- uh ok

Five minutes later

Dramatic...- Excited for the dance?

Crush- yeah. im really excited to bring my girlfriend

Dramatic...- ...u dont have to bring anyone dude. its an ms dance

Crush- um i kno, im still going to ask her tho

Crush- u jealy?

Dramatic...- ... no

Crush- k good. cuz we're just friends, k

Dramatic...- yeah

Crush- so

Dramatic...- so

Crush- is there anything ud like to talk about?

Dramatic...- yeh. r any of ur guy friends free?

Crush- um yeah. about all of them

Dramatic...- kk

Crush- Ive gtg. ttyl 

Dramatic...- yeah. ttyl

Poor dramatic 7th grader :( majorly friendzoned by the crush she's had for over one week! ;) lol

who should the poor dramatic 7th grader text next? leave suggestions in the comments.

Texts From a Drama Crazed 7th GraderWhere stories live. Discover now