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Heyyyyyyyy...sooooo I know I said I wouldn't update until July 26th (tomorrow) since that's when my schools's orientation is but I couldn't help it XD I will update tomorrow too but anyways, here is today's update!

So my friend Aaliyah told me that some girl named Lexi got her schedule early just because Lexi has a parent that is a teacher and i'm just like BISH WHAT! Like what the what no fair! RIP

Also I got back into Twenty One Pilots, because for awhile I took a break from listening to them (idk why I took a break...I was insane) and like oml thank gawd they exist! <3 :')

Tomorrow I get my schedule...and see my classes and meet my teachers so I am lowkey having MAJOR anxiety and like freaking out because what if I have no classes with anyone I know or I don't get the teacher I really wanted (I really wanted Ms. S the art teacher because I was her student all year last year aka 8th grade and so I put in for art and advanced art as a backup to basically ensure I get her) like oml there is so much to worry about holy crap send help before my brain-.....*BOOM* (explosion) like save my soul im a goner...

Anyways I will update tomorrow (also currently listening to "Holding On To You" by Twenty One Pilots while writing this like yas) so baiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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