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Yay! Another update, it has been a bit since I last updated, but now I will updating A LOT more often since school starts next week kms :'( anyways...ONWARDS!

So yesterday (8-3-17) I went to another orientation for school, except this one was to walk around campus and see where my classes are to prevent children from being lost. So they sorted us into colour groups and luckily I was with a friend! The we entered the school and started following the tour guides (which were seniors...help) around to each building and hallway...I was expecting like hallway A,B,C,D,E, auditorium, cafeteria and a gym...I was wrong...so very very wrong...THE PLACE IS FREAKING HUGE AND I AM LITERALLY GOING TO DIE! Here is a list of all the buildings;

SP hall

P hall

G hall

H hall

J hall upstairs

J hall downstairs

K hall upstairs

K hall downstairs

C hall inside

C hall outside

D hall inside

D hall outside

D hall side 

B 100 hall

B 200 hall

B 300 hall

Gym 1

Gym 2


Auditorium 1

Auditorium 2

Sounds like a lot right?! Well it is, and to make matter worse it's not like all the B halls are beside each other...EVERY HALL IS SPREAD OUT AND IT'S A GIANT MAZE...like for real I can't even it's so confusing! Even my dad (who is literally the master of maps) couldn't figure it out...

Well that's all for this update, I am going to die rip

Life As A High SchoolerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora