Chapter 1

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"Even amidst a whirlwind of responsibilities, determination stands unwavering at the pinnacle, empowering us to overcome every challenge that comes our way."


I hurried down the bustling city street, feeling the weight of my responsibilities in my heavy backpack filled with textbooks. The sun cast long shadows across the pavement, reminding me that time was slipping away. Escover Enterprises, my part-time job destination, loomed ahead with its imposing glass facade, and anticipation and nerves raced through my mind.

Countless stories about the enigmatic CEO, Klineigh Escover, had reached my ears. Her business acumen and ambition had earned her a name that commanded respect in the corporate world. Working as an intern at Escover Enterprises was a dream come true for me—an opportunity to gain valuable experience and perhaps pave the way for a better future.

I took a deep breath and entered the sleek and modern lobby of the company. The air hummed with purpose, and the receptionist greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, miss. How can I assist you today?" the receptionist asked, her voice brimming with genuine friendliness.

My nerves got the best of me, and I hesitated for a moment. "Um, I'm Shai Buenavista, the new intern. I'm here to meet with Mr. Anderson."

The receptionist nodded, glancing at her computer screen. "Ah, yes, Shai. Mr. Anderson is expecting you. Take the elevator to the 12th floor, and his office is the first one on your right."

Expressing my gratitude to the receptionist, I made my way to the elevator, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The doors slid open, and I stepped inside, joining the other employees on their way to different floors.

Upon reaching the 12th floor, I followed the receptionist's directions and found myself standing outside Mr. Anderson's office. I took a deep breath, attempting to steady myself, before knocking on the door.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

I opened the door and entered the spacious office, coming face-to-face with Mr. Anderson, the head of the internship program—a middle-aged man in a tailored suit.

"Good morning, Mr. Anderson. I'm Shai Buenavista," I introduced myself, extending my hand with a polite smile.

Mr. Anderson stood up and shook my hand firmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Buenavista. Your credentials and recommendations are quite impressive. I hope you're ready for a challenging but rewarding experience here at Escover Enterprises."

I nodded, my determination shining in my eyes. "I'm eager to learn and contribute in any way I can, sir."

As we discussed the internship details and expectations, I couldn't help but steal glances out of the expansive windows, which offered a breathtaking view of the city. The sight momentarily distracted me, but I quickly refocused on the conversation.

Just as we were wrapping up, a door on the other side of the office swung open, and a woman emerged—a woman who commanded attention. It was Klineigh Escover herself, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, radiating confidence and authority.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched Ms. Klineigh cross the room with graceful strides. Our eyes met briefly, and in that moment, I felt an inexplicable connection—an unspoken understanding that lingered even after Ms. Klineigh moved on, engaging in a conversation with another employee.

As Mr. Anderson concluded our meeting, I couldn't help but wonder about the woman I had just glimpsed. The encounter left an indelible impression on me, stirring curiosity and fascination that I couldn't explain.

Little did I know that this serendipitous encounter was the first ripple in a journey that would intertwine our lives, challenging our preconceived notions and leading us down a path of unexpected love.

And so, as I stepped out of Mr. Anderson's office, I embarked on an internship that would shape my professional future and open my heart to a connection I never imagined possible.


Unbreakable Thread (ɢxɢ) [𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑫]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن