Chapter 21

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"Just remember, taking one step at a time is the key to unlocking a brighter future."


The days flew by, and I found myself immersed in my final semester of college. The anticipation of graduation filled me with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for me and Klineigh.

One evening, as we sat together in the comfort of our condo, I looked up from my textbook and caught my girlfriend's gaze. "Can you believe it? Graduation is just around the corner."

Klineigh smiled, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and love. "I can't believe how far you've come, luv. You've worked so hard to get to this point, and I couldn't be more proud of you."

I blushed, feeling a surge of warmth fills my chest. "Thank you, luv. I couldn't have done it without your support and love."

Klineigh reached across the table, her fingers gently intertwining with I's. "You've overcome so much, luv. From your challenging upbringing to your dedication to your studies, you're an inspiration to me."

My heart swelled at Klineigh's words. She leaned closer, our lips meeting in a tender kiss. At that moment, we shared a silent understanding of the love and admiration we held for each other.

As we pulled away, my eyes sparkled mischievously. "So, what's next for us, Ms. CEO? Are you ready to take over the world?"

She laughed, her fingers tracing circles on the back of my hand. "Well, I certainly have big plans for Escover Enterprises, but I have an even bigger plan for us."

Curiosity danced in my eyes as I leaned forward, urging her to continue. "What's that?"

Her smile grew wider, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "I want us to travel, Shai. I want to explore new places, experience different cultures, and create unforgettable memories together."

My eyes lit up with excitement. "Travel? That sounds amazing, luv. I've always dreamed of seeing the world."

She nodded, her expression earnest. "I know we both have responsibilities and careers to build, but I believe that life is meant to be lived, and I want us to live it to the fullest. We can work hard, achieve our goals, and still find time to embark on incredible journeys."

"You're right. We can balance our ambitions with our desire to explore and enjoy life together." I said with my voice filled with genuine appreciation and I reached out to cup her cheeks.

She leaned into my touch, a softness in her eyes. "And who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon new inspirations and opportunities during our travels. The world has so much to offer, and I want us to seize every chance to grow, both personally and professionally."

I chuckled, "So, it's settled then. We'll become globe-trotting adventurers, taking on new challenges and making unforgettable memories." my fingers tracing patterns on her skin.

"Exactly," she agreed, her tone playful. "And along the way, we'll make a point to indulge in local cuisines, learn a few phrases in different languages, and embrace every adventure that comes our way."

Our excitement for the future was palpable, and as graduation day approached, our condo became a flurry of activity. Piles of textbooks were replaced with neatly packed suitcases, and our shared space was filled with a sense of anticipation.

On the morning of graduation, I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my graduation gown and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My girlfriend entered the room, a proud smile on her face. "You look stunning, mi amor."

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