First Day of School

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(Note: I'm not including a picture of the teachers because everyone knows what they looks like)

You yawned and sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes. You looked to your digital clock. "6:20. Time to get ready for school." You mumbled to yourself. You got up from your bed and got out your clothes. You picked out a short sleeved F/C T-shirt, jeans, some socks, and your underwear. You took most of those and went to the bathroom. You finished showering and changed into your clothes for today. You put your hair up in a ponytail (unless it's short) and went downstairs. "Morning Y/N." Spirit said, making pancakes. Your backpack with all your stuff in it was at the couch plus your volleyball jacket and sneakers were there too. April came down the stairs, dressed in a black T-shirt with a white stripe going diagonally though it and some jeans. "Morning April!" You both said.

"Morning." She said. "Pancakes are ready!" Spirit said, setting down three plates of pancakes on the table. You sat down and put your favorite topping on them and started eating. "Thanks sis." You said to Spirit. "No problem. Now hurry up, we don't want to be late now." She said. The three of you scarfed down your breakfast and started walking to the school. You were humming 'Stereo Hearts' on your way there. "I hope I don't get bullied." You mumbled. "Don't sorry Y/N, if you do though, I'll give them a piece of my mind." Spirit told you.

~Time skip brought to you by my turtle who bit my hand (RIP me)

The three of you reached the school before the bell. You all entered into the building. April headed off to a small group, who were probably her friends. You went with Spirit to the office and picked up your schedule. "I"ll see you around, kay sis?" Spirit said, ruffling your hair. "Okay sis." You said, smiling at her. She headed to a flurry of colors which were her friends. You decided to go and put your things into your locker. You walked through the halls and found your locker, which was next to your younger sister's. You put your books for other classes inside and you put in your lunchbox. You took out your books for History and your pencil case. You then closed your locker and put on the lock.

You then started walking around to find the History classroom. You took a glance at all the groups. 'Classic groups. Nerds, divas, jocks, geeks, gamers and such.' You thought. You found the History room and went inside. You went to the very back row and sat down. The teacher didn't really seem to notice you. You set down your book and pencil case on the desk in the very corner. A few minutes later, the bell rung and students filed into the room. Then the teacher spoke up. "Alright students, today we have a new student in our class. Please introduce yourself." He said. You stood up and walked to the front. "I am Y/N Wilson (that's the canon last name for Spirit). I just transferred here from graduating from Mrs. Musica's School for the Musically Talented. I also play volleyball. I hope I can be acquainted with you all." You said before sitting back down. 

You learned that the history teacher's name was Mr. Nightmare or Mr. Night for short. History soon ended and you went back to your locker to get your materials for art class. You got your sketchbook and your pencil case with all your drawing utensils. You then started making your way (DOWNTOWN! WALKING FAST!) to the art classroom. You reached there a few minutes before the bell. You again, took the very back corner seat. Then the bell rang and students rushed in and started chatting with each other The teacher walked in and everyone quieted down. 'He looks somewhat familiar.' You thought before being called up to introduce yourself. You said the same exact thing you had in history and sat down.

Today was another free draw day so you started drawing you and your sisters. The teacher, Mr. Ink was walking around, checking the student's art. He then stopped at yours. "Your art style looks familiar. Are you April and Spirit's sister?" He asked you. You simply nodded. "Very nice job." He said before walking around to other students. You continued drawing then making solid lines with a special marker you have. It was a drawing of you and your sisters at the park, having fun. The bell soon rung and you picked up your supplies and went back to your locker. You took out your gym clothes aka your old volleyball jersey and F/C basketball shorts. You headed to the gym and into the girl's locker room and then changed into your P.E. clothes. 

You have been quite excited for P.E., as you were athletic. You noticed you hadn't really talked with anyone. Oh well. You went out and sat on the bleachers. Mostly jocks were already there. You were thinking about joining the volleyball team at the school. You were pretty good according to your sister and you loved playing. Then the bell rang and students flooded in. Then the teacher walked in. "@lrigHt g!ve m3 f-fiVe Laps!" He shouted. 'He looks quite familiar too!' You thought before getting up and starting on your laps. You were going at a pretty fast pace, since you were saving your energy for the next activity. You noticed the other students, especially girls, weren't that enthusiastic. Do they not like P.E.? You continued running, shoving that thought into your mental trashcan.

You finished your laps after someone or some monster. 'Probably a jock.' You thought, taking a drink from the drinking fountain. After everyone else in the class finished, which felt like an eternity, the teacher then shouted again. "0kAy, t0dAy wE ArE plAy!ng V0ll3yb@ll!" He shouted. You smiled, as you already knew how volleyball worked. He separated the class into two teams. Then blue strings came from his hands lifted up the net. Then the teacher explained the rules and how to play volleyball. Then from the blow of his whistle, the game/set started. Your team was to serve so you volunteered to. You served the ball then the game really started.

(the monster you finished after)

(the monster you finished after)

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Small time skip~

The bell rang. You were pretty tired from playing. Your team barely won. During the time you all had left, there were two sets. Your team won the first and barely snagged the second. As you were a good sport, you congratulated the other team for doing so well. You changed out of your gym clothes and then went to get your lunch. You then went to the cafeteria and sat at a table. Then you saw a skeleton come over to you.

 Then you saw a skeleton come over to you

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"Hi! You must be new to Underhigh. I'm Spray Cray but you can just call me Cray!" He said, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you Cray. I'm Y/N. And I am new here." You replied, smiling and shaking his hand. "Very nice to meet you too Y/N!" He chirped. He reminded you of a childhood friend of yours. You smiled. "I need to get going to my news crew. Bye Y/N!" He said before running off somewhere.

You finished your lunch and went outside. You slipped on your headphones and plugged them into your phone, listening and singing along to 'Truth or Dare'. (the song at the start)

  You walked around outside while singing. There were quite a few students outside. Quite a few jocks flirty with the divas. You left like throwing up. Flirting was not your thing. You walked away from them and continued singing to your music. Your mind was only focused on the music and not where you were going. You bumped into a fish lady (Yup, undyne) . "Hey! Watch where you're going punk!" She shouted at you before walking to the group of jocks. "Well she's rude." You mumbled. You then continued listening to music until the next bell rang.   

A/n: That concludes the end of this chapter! Thank you all for viewing my story!

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