Getting Your Part

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It was a few minutes before school started and you were talking with PJ and his brothers. You were feeling pretty chill today since it was close to the weekend. You and PJ were singing 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' for the fun of it. "Pretty sure during drama Mr. Mettaton is going to tell us who is playing who and hand out the scripts." Cil said to your guys. "Well, that'll be interesting." You replied before you all headed inside for your first class, which was drama.

The four of you walked into the auditorium and took a seat on the benches. "Good morning darlings!" Mr. Mettaton greeted you all. "Good morning Mr. Mettaton." All of you replied. "First of all before we start, I am going to give scripts to those that Ms. Spirit and I decided would be best in the musical. At least, to those that are in this class right now." Mr. Mettaton announced, picking up a small stack of scripts and walking around, handing them out to the right people and monsters. He handed a script to you and PJ. "Which character are you PJ?" You asked him. He looked at the front and read it. "Tony. What about you?" He asked you. You looked at your script. "Maria." You replied before the both of you putting 2 and 2 together. "Oh frick." You both said in sync before looking at each other.

The two of you chilled down in a few seconds when Mr. Mettaton spoke again. "To those who are part of the musical, I will send you all an e-mail clarifying some things." He said before saying what today's lesson was.

Time skip to lunch

You and PJ were walking down to the cafeteria, talking with each other. The both of you sat down at the jock's table, scripts in hand. "How did this happen.." You mumbled. "Hey bro! Hi Y/N!" Cil said to you both. "Hi Cil." You both replied. "So, what parts you guys get?" Undyne asked you two. You and PJ simultaneously held up your scripts, then some of the jocks laughing. "Y/N AND PJ SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Most of the jocks sang out. "SHUT UP!" The two of you angrily shouted.

After hearing a bit more of the other jock's teasing, you got up with your script and then headed outside. You were blushing a fair bit. "Okay Y/N, calm down. It's only a play, right?" You quietly said to yourself before highlighting your lines, saying then as you did so.


PJ was covering his ea- where his ears would be to try and down out the other jock's teasing. He was blushing some magenta. "SHUT UP!" He shouted fiercely at the other jocks, who then shut their pie holes. "S-sorry boss." Burgerpants said sheepishly. PJ just glared at them all before looking at his script and highlighting his lines.

Ever so sorry for the very short chapter but I wanted to get an update out.

Do You Remember?  (NAJ Pj x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt