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You felt like you went through your classes very quickly till it was the end of the school day. PJ then started walking up to you as you were putting your stuff away. "Hey Y/N?" He started. "Yeah?" You replied, organizing your books. "Wanna come to my house so we can practice lines and stuff like that?" He asked you. "Sure. Just lemme text Spirit." You replied before getting out your phone and texting Spirit. She said it was okay since you both ARE the main characters. "Okay. Let's go." He told you before heading out to the parking lot by the school, you, Palette, and Cil following him. Their parents were already inside the mini van so all of you just got in, not really caring about seating.

One Drive Later

Like little kids, you all got out in an unorganized style. "So, I guess we'll go my scene?" You suggested to PJ. "Sure." He simply replied, opening the door for you. You did a little nod as a thank you and went inside, putting your backpack down and taking out your script. "Hey Mr. Ink?" You questioningly said. "Yes Y/N?" He replied. "Where can PJ and I rehearse for our musical?" You asked him. He put a hand on his chin, which obviously meant that he was thinking. "You guys can practice in the basement." He finally said to you. You nodded before grabbing Pj's arm once he had his script and started dragging him to the basement. Palette and Cil followed you guys since they knew that you'd both want them to fill in for lines.

"Let's see, the first scene I'm in is scene 2, act 1." PJ mumbled to himself, flipping to the correct in his script. You did this as well so you wouldn't get lost. PJ told Cil to read Riff's part. They started saying the lines in the scene. "And I'll live to regret this." PJ said, his voice in a nice tone for his line. You guys beforehand decided to save the singing for later. 

You then started saying your lines in scene 3. Palette was filling in for Anita. "Por favor, Anita. Make the neck lower!" You said in a close to demanding tone. You and Palette continued to rehearse the scene, you taking a glance at PJ every once in a while. You all then moved on to scene 4, which had both Tony and Maria. "You're not thinking I'm someone else?" PJ said to you. "I know you are not." You replied. You both continued to say you lines to each other.


The four of you finished the very last scene. You guys thought it would be fun to act that one out so you did. PJ pretended to be shot and 'died'. You did the actions that were listed in the script. After you both finished, Cil, Palette, Mt. Ink and Mr. Error clapped. PJ got up and smiled at you. "That was certainly fun." He said to you. "Yeah it was." You replied, smiling back. Then you took out your phone to check the time. "7:35?! I gotta get going!" You exclaimed, going up the stairs, getting your backpack and then getting on your sister's motorbike. You waved a bye to the skeletons before heading off back home.

Do You Remember?  (NAJ Pj x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now