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Jace and I have been dating since February, and it's been perfect. Jace is perfect. We hang out everyday, we laugh, we talk, he's everything I hoped he would be, and more.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. I'm beyond ready for school to end, I have a really good feeling about this summer. Jace and I have already made plans for road trips, and beach days. It's gonna be the best summer ever.

Wes has been kinda distant lately, he hardly talks to me, and he always seems to be busy, and I don't know why. I talked to Jace about it, he couldn't think of anything either.

Jace's ex, Reagan is nowhere to be seen. Jace never talks about her, but I have a feeling there's something he's not saying.

Nobody knows what to do about Oscar. He took a month off of school to go to rehab and therapy, after trying to kill himself back in February. Only to come back to find that the girl that he loved has disappeared, and nobody knew where she went. Since then he's been trying to get a hold of her non stop. It hurts to watch him, even from a distance, since he won't talk to Jace, especially after what he's been through already.

I still have no desire to interact with Oscar's brother Blue. I heard his side of the story, but I still think it doesn't justify what he did. I'll get over it I just prefer not to be around him, or see him at all.

I have honestly forgotten completely about Leo. I apologized for what I did a while ago, and he never responded. Every once in awhile I see him in the halls, and we don't look at each other. Whatever my life is better now.

Jace's friend Eaton, and I have actually become good friends. We have study hall together, and money management too. He's hilarious and really easy to talk to.

I got to school a little late, but not late enough for my teacher to mind. He's giving a lecture today that has students falling asleep next to me.

I hide my phone under my desk.

"Where were you this morning? I missed you! 😘" -Jace

"I know, I'm sorry! My alarm didn't go off this morning."

"Oh no!"

"Tell me about it I didn't even get a chance to make my coffee"


"ugh it's the worst"



A grin forms on my face. My teacher still isn't watching so I shoot Wes a text too.

"Morning, bitch"


"Dude we're juniors next year, how did that happen?"


"How's English without me?"


This has pretty much been all of our conversations as of lately. I finally give up, he obviously doesn't want to talk to me right now.

The teachers lecture is still dragging on so I send a pool game to Eaton.

Eaton and I are constantly playing pool. He's the only one that will play with me. My other friends say that I get too aggressive, even Jace won't play with me. Luckily, Eaton is just as competitive as I am, so our games get really heated and it only makes it more fun.

I play, then finally put my phone down. I haven't missed anything, I finished the notes a long time ago off of Schoology. Somehow my teacher is still rambling on about the same slide.

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