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"He hates me." Blue groans when I get in the car. We take my car.

I sigh.

"Is she really pregnant?" He asks.

"Yeah she is."

"Did I really beat her up?"

"Yeah you did."

He rubs his hands down his face. "Oh my God I did."


"Yeah?" He groans.

"I hate to ask this right now. But Ozzy said the baby might be his. Is there a chance it could be Jace's?"

He looks over at me and his eyes are wide. That's a yes.

"I was afraid of that." I groan. "I have to go to Vi's where do you want me to take you." I need to talk to her right now. Of course she was calling me, what kind of friend was I That I hadn't even answered?

"Can I please just wait in the car? I thought you were gonna tell her anyway."

I think for a second then sigh. "I guess so." we're there a few minutes later. I realize when Vi answers the door that I should've told him no.

"Wes?" She says. "What the hell?"

I let out a long breath. "We need to talk."


We walk into her kitchen and I sit on one of the stools she stays standing.

"Why was Blue in your car?"

"Because we're dating." I wince. "Is the baby Jace's?"

"How did you know?"

"I just saw Reagan. That doesn't matter. What the hell happened?"

She sighs, then tells me the whole story. I know her too well she's leaving something out.

"Ok so she just showed up there pregnant? Have you talked to Jace since he called you It must've been over a week ago now right?"

"I haven't talked to him, but he has called." She shrugs. "He needs to be with Reagan right now."

"Honey are you stupid?"


"He needs you right now. You can't just drop out like that he's your boyfriend."

"Well Eaton said-" she stops herself.

"You talked to Eaton about it." It's not a question. I knew it, I knew she felt something for that kid. I might be rooting for them but this is not the way to go about it. Especially after Jace just got cheated on, and another one of his best friends was involved. "Vi, come on."

"Oh stop. I'm not cheating on Jace. Jace and I are just on a break, Eaton was there. This isn't Friends." That makes her smile a little I don't know why.

"Mmhmm" I don't believe her at all.

"Anyways, Since when are you dating Blue? He's not even gay."

"He is trust me." Ok here goes. "He's not as bad as you think."

"Right." She snorts.

"Ok so that day when he did that thing, I went to his house to beat his ass."

"I'm assuming that never happened?"

"Don't interrupt." I warn. I tell her that his mom came down the stairs with her boyfriend. I also tell her that his mom was married. I go on to tell her that I talked to him, and I found out that he had just done all of these things to protect Oz. "The only thing he cared about was his brother Vi." I tell her how he shut out all of his common sense. "He never wanted to do that to you, Oz made him." I say.

"He made that choice. Is was his plan." She argues. "You know how bad he hurt me. People teased me about it for days."

"I know that and he's very sorry about that and I know that's not good enough, but would you at least think about giving him a chance?"

"I don't know Wes." She sighs. "I think he's just gonna hurt you."

"Then that's my own fault isn't it."

"Ok here's the deal." She says. "I'll give him one chance. Only because of you."

"Thank you Vi."

"Don't thank me yet. There's no guarantee that I won't punch him."

I smile. "Honestly I wouldn't blame you if you did."

She chuckles. "We'll do dinner. Once things are ok with Jace again. That way I can have back up."

"Thank you again Vi." I say. "I'll call you but I really gotta go my sisters gonna kill me."


"I'm sorry that I can't stay longer."

She shakes her head. "You should get home."

"Promise me you'll call Jace back. Talk to him."

She hesitates. "I will."

"I mean it." I say. "You know what? I'm not leaving until you dial him."

"Fine." She groans and pulls out her phone. She doesn't even have to open her phone, just slide across.

"Ok then." I've done good. "I'm leaving bye."

"Bye." She waves.

"How'd it go?" Blue asks me in the car.

"Fine." I sigh. "I told her we were dating."

"Wait, Wait Wait." He says. "Why would you tell her that?"

I look at him in disbelief. "Because we are aren't we?"

"Um...no? We're not dating."

My eyes narrow. "What do you call this then?"

"I don't know...a thing?" He shrugs.

"Are you serious right now?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean I'm sick of you refusing to admit that you are gay."

"I'm not." He glares.

I shake my head and pull over on the side of the road. "Get out."


"I said get out of my car." I snap.

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Honestly? I don't care. Blue I like you, but I can't do it anymore. Get out of my car."

"Fine." He snaps getting out and slamming the door.

I drive away as fast as I can wiping a tear away from my face.

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